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Request lifecycle

A typical HTTP request consists of the following:

  • A URL: e.g. /index.php/apps/myapp/something
  • Request Parameters: e.g. ?something=true&name=tom
  • A Method: e.g. GET
  • Request headers: e.g. Accept: application/json

The following sections will present an overview over how that request is being processed to provide an in depth view over how Nextcloud works. If you are not interested in the internals or don’t want to execute anything before and after your controller, feel free to skip this section and continue directly with defining your app’s routes.

Front controller

In the beginning, all requests are sent to Nextcloud’s index.php which in turn executes lib/base.php. This file inspects the HTTP headers, abstracts away differences between different Web servers and initializes the basic classes. Afterwards the basic apps are being loaded in the following order:

  • Authentication backends
  • Filesystem
  • Logging

The type of the app is determined by inspecting the app’s configuration file (appinfo/info.xml). Loading apps means that the main file (appinfo/app.php) of each installed app is being loaded and executed. That means that if you want to execute code before a specific app is being run, you can place code in your app’s Navigation and Pre-App configuration file.

Afterwards the following steps are performed:

  • Try to authenticate the user
  • Load and execute all the remaining apps’ Navigation and Pre-App configuration files
  • Load and run all the routes in the apps’ appinfo/routes.php
  • Execute the router


The router parses the app’s routing files (appinfo/routes.php), inspects the request’s method and url, queries the controller from the Container and then passes control to the dispatcher. The dispatcher is responsible for running the hooks (called Middleware) before and after the controller, executing the controller method and rendering the output.


A Middleware is a convenient way to execute common tasks such as custom authentication before or after a controller method is being run. You can execute code at the following locations:

  • before the call of the controller method
  • after the call of the controller method
  • after an exception is thrown (also if it is thrown from a middleware, e.g. if an authentication fails)
  • before the output is rendered


The Container is the place where you define all of your classes and in particular all of your controllers. The container is responsible for assembling all of your objects (instantiating your classes) that should only have one single instance without relying on globals or singletons. If you want to know more about why you should use it and what the benefits are, read up on the topic in Container.


The controller contains the code that you actually want to run after a request has come in. Think of it like a callback that is executed if everything before went fine.

The controller returns a response which is then run through the middleware again (afterController and beforeOutput hooks are being run), HTTP headers are being set and the response’s render method is being called and printed.