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The JavaScript files reside in the js/ folder and should be included in the template:

// add one file
script('myapp', 'script');  // adds js/script.js

// add multiple files in the same app
script('myapp', array('script', 'navigation'));  //  adds js/script.js js/navigation.js

// add vendor files (also allows the array syntax)
vendor_script('myapp', 'script');  //  adds vendor/script.js

If the script file is only needed when the file list is displayed, you should listen to the OCA\Files::loadAdditionalScripts event:

$eventDispatcher = \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher();
$eventDispatcher->addListener('OCA\Files::loadAdditionalScripts', function() {
  script('myapp', 'script');  // adds js/script.js
  vendor_script('myapp', 'script');  //  adds vendor/script.js

Sending the CSRF token

If any other JavaScript request library than jQuery is being used, the requests need to send the CSRF token as an HTTP header named requesttoken. The token is available in the global variable oc_requesttoken.

For AngularJS the following lines would need to be added:

var app = angular.module('MyApp', []).config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
    $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common.requesttoken = oc_requesttoken;

Generating URLs

To send requests to Nextcloud the base URL where Nextcloud is currently running is needed. To get the base URL use:

var baseUrl = OC.generateUrl('');

Full URLs can be generated by using:

var authorUrl = OC.generateUrl('/apps/myapp/authors/1');

Extending core parts

It is possible to extend components of the core web UI. The following examples should show how this is possible.

Extending the “new” menu in the files app

New in version 9.0.

var myFileMenuPlugin = {
    attach: function (menu) {
            id: 'abc',
            displayName: 'Menu display name',
            templateName: 'templateName.ext',
            iconClass: 'icon-filetype-text',
            fileType: 'file',
            actionHandler: function () {
                console.log('do something here');
OC.Plugins.register('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', myFileMenuPlugin);

This will register a new menu entry in the “New” menu of the files app. The method attach() is called once the menu is built. This usually happens right after the click on the button.