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App store publishing

The Nextcloud App Store

The Nextcloud app store is built into Nextcloud to allow you to get your apps to users as easily and safely as possible. The app store and the process of publishing apps aims to be:

  • secure
  • transparent
  • welcoming
  • fair
  • easy to maintain

Getting an app approved

You can find documentation on getting apps in our app store here.

Using the code checker

Before getting the app in the app store, it is best to check your app code with the code checker, and fix the issues found by the code checker.

./occ app:check-code <app_name>

Losing a rating

Apps can lose their rating when:

  • they are found to no longer satisfy the requirements
  • when security/malicious intent issues are found
  • when a developer requests so

App guidelines

These are the app guidelines an app has to comply with to have a chance to be approved.

Be technically sound

  • Apps can only use the public Nextcloud API.
  • At time of the release of an app it can only be configured to be compatible with the latest Nextcloud release +1.
  • Apps should not cause Nextcloud to break, consume excessive memory or slow Nextcloud down.
  • Apps should not hamper functionality of Nextcloud unless that is explicitly the goal of the app.

Respect the users

  • Apps have to follow design and HTML/CSS layout guidelines.
  • Apps correctly clean up after themselves on uninstall and correctly handle up- and downgrades.
  • Apps clearly communicate their intended purpose and active features, including features introduced through updates.
  • Apps respect the users’ choices and do not make unexpected changes, or limit users’ ability to revert them. For example, they do not remove other apps or disable settings.
  • Apps must respect user privacy. IF user data is sent anywhere, this must be clearly explained and be kept to a minimum for the functioning of an app. Use proper security measures when needed.
  • App authors must provide means to contact them, be it through a bug tracker, forum or mail.

Apps which break the guidelines will lose their ‘approved’ or ‘official’ state; and might be blocked from the app store altogether. This also has repercussions for the author, especially in case of security concerns, he/she might find themselves blocked from submitting applications.