Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#30 Implements: OCP\Federation\ICloudFederationShare
- get a CloudFederationShare Object to prepare a share you want to send
Source: Parameters: - $shareWith (string)
- $name (string) resource name (e.g. document.odt)
- $description (string) share description (optional)
- $providerId (string) resource UID on the provider side
- $owner (string) provider specific UID of the user who owns the resource
- $ownerDisplayName (string) display name of the user who shared the item
- $sharedBy (string) provider specific UID of the user who shared the resource
- $sharedByDisplayName (string) display name of the user who shared the resource
- $shareType (string) (‘group’ or ‘user’ share)
- $resourceType (string) (‘file’, ‘calendar’,...)
- $sharedSecret (string)
- set uid of the recipient
Source: Parameters: - $user (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set resource name (e.g. document.odt)
Source: Parameters: - $name (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set resource type (e.g. file, calendar, contact,...)
Source: Parameters: - $resourceType (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set resource description (optional)
Source: Parameters: - $description (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set provider ID (e.g. file ID)
Source: Parameters: - $providerId (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set owner UID
Source: Parameters: - $owner (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set owner display name
Source: Parameters: - $ownerDisplayName (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set UID of the user who sends the share
Source: Parameters: - $sharedBy (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- set display name of the user who sends the share
Source: Parameters: - $sharedByDisplayName
Since: 14.0.0
- set protocol specification
Source: Parameters: - $protocol (array)
Since: 14.0.0
- share type (group or user)
Source: Parameters: - $shareType (string)
Since: 14.0.0
- get the whole share, ready to send out
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#223 Returns: array Since: 14.0.0
- get uid of the recipient
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#234 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get resource name (e.g. file, calendar, contact,...)
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#245 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get resource type (e.g. file, calendar, contact,...)
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#256 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get resource description (optional)
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#267 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get provider ID (e.g. file ID)
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#278 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get owner UID
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#289 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get owner display name
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#300 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get UID of the user who sends the share
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#311 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get display name of the user who sends the share
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#322 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get share type (group or user)
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#333 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get share Secret
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#344 Returns: string Since: 14.0.0
- get protocol specification
Source: lib/private/Federation/CloudFederationShare.php#355 Returns: array Since: 14.0.0