- Interface that apps must implement to share content.
Source: lib/public/Share_Backend.php#36
- Check if this $itemSource exist for the user
Source: Parameters: - $itemSource (string)
- $uidOwner (string) Owner of the item
Returns: bool | null Source
Return false if the item does not exist for the user
Since: 5.0.0
- Get a unique name of the item for the specified user
Source: Parameters: - $itemSource (string)
- $shareWith (string | bool) User the item is being shared with
- $exclude (array | null) List of similar item names already existing as shared items @deprecated since version OC7
Returns: string Target name
This function needs to verify that the user does not already have an item with this name. If it does generate a new name e.g. name_#
Since: 5.0.0
- Converts the shared item sources back into the item in the specified format
Source: Parameters: - $items (array) Shared items
- $format (int)
Returns: array The items array is a 3-dimensional array with the item_source as the first key and the share id as the second key to an array with the share info.
The key/value pairs included in the share info depend on the function originally called: If called by getItem(s)Shared: id, item_type, item, item_source, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source
If called by getItem(s)SharedWith: id, item_type, item, item_source, item_target, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source, file_target
This function allows the backend to control the output of shared items with custom formats. It is only called through calls to the public getItem(s)Shared(With) functions.
Since: 5.0.0
- Check if a given share type is allowd by the back-end
Source: Parameters: - $shareType (int) share type
Returns: bool The back-end can enable/disable specific share types. Just return true if the back-end doesn’t provide any specific settings for it and want to allow all share types defined by the share API
Since: 8.0.0