- Base controller for public sharesIt will verify if the user is properly authenticated to the share. If not a 404is thrown by the PublicShareMiddleware.Use this for example for a controller that is not to be called via a webbrowserdirectly. For example a PublicPreviewController. As this is not meant to becalled by a user direclty.To show an auth page extend the AuthPublicShareController
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#44 Parent: OCP\AppFramework\Controller
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#55 Since: 14.0.0
- Middleware set the token for the request
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#68 Since: 14.0.0
- Get the token for this request
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#77 Since: 14.0.0
- Get a hash of the password for this shareTo ensure access is blocked when the password to a share is changed we storea hash of the password for this token.
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#89 Since: 14.0.0
- Is the provided token a valid tokenThis function is already called from the middleware directly after setting the token.
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#98 Since: 14.0.0
- Is a share with this token password protected
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#105 Since: 14.0.0
- Check if a share is authenticated or not
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#112 Since: 14.0.0
- Function called if the share is not found.You can use this to do some logging for example
Source: lib/public/AppFramework/PublicShareController.php#135 Since: 14.0.0