
Nextcloud provides mechanisms for internationalization (make an application translatable) and localization (add translations for specific languages). This section provides detailed instructions for both aspects.

Make text translatable

In order to make your app translatable (internationalization), you should use Nextcloud’s methods for translating strings. They are available for both the server-side (PHP, Templates) as well as for the client-side (JavaScript).


Should it ever be needed to use localized strings on the server-side, simply inject the L10N service from the ServerContainer into the needed constructor:

namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use \OCP\AppFramework\App;

use \OCA\MyApp\Service\AuthorService;

class Application extends App {

    public function __construct(array $urlParams=array()){
        parent::__construct('myapp', $urlParams);

        $container = $this->getContainer();

         * Controllers
        $container->registerService('AuthorService', function($c) {
            return new AuthorService(

        $container->registerService('L10N', function($c) {
            return $c->query('ServerContainer')->getL10N($c->query('AppName'));

Strings can then be translated in the following way:

namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use \OCP\IL10N;

class AuthorService {

    private $trans;

    public function __construct(IL10N $trans) {
        $this->trans = $trans;

    public function getLanguageCode() {
        return $this->trans->getLanguageCode();

    public sayHello() {
        return $this->trans->t('Hello');

    public function getAuthorName($name) {
        return $this->trans->t('Getting author %s', [$name]);

    public function getAuthors($count, $city) {
        return $this->trans->n(
            '%n author is currently in the city %s',  // singular string
            '%n authors are currently in the city %s',  // plural string


In every template the global variable $l can be used to translate the strings using its methods t() and n():

<div><?php p($l->t('Showing %s files', $_['count'])); ?></div>

<button><?php p($l->t('Hide')); ?></button>

For the right date format use <?php p($l->l('date', time()));?>.


There is a global function t() available for translating strings. The first argument is your app name, the second argument is the string to translate.

t(appName, 'Hello World!');
t(appName, '{name} is available. Get <a href="{link}">more information</a>', {name: 'Nextcloud 16', link: '...'});

For advanced usage, refer to the source code core/js/l10n.js; t() is bind to OC.L10N.translate().

Important notes

Splitting senteces

You shall never split sentences! Otherwise, translators lose the context and they have no chance to possibly re-arrange words.


<?php p($l->t('Select file from')) . ' '; ?><a href='#' id="browselink"><?php p($l->t('local filesystem'));?></a><?php p($l->t(' or ')); ?><a href='#' id="cloudlink"><?php p($l->t('cloud'));?></a>

Translators will translate:

  • Select file from
  • local filesystem
  • ‘ or ‘
  • cloud

Translating these individual strings results in local filesystem and cloud losing case. The two white spaces surrounding or will get lost while translating as well. For languages that have a different grammatical order it prevents the translators from reordering the sentence components.


In case some translation strings may be translated wrongly because they have multiple meanings, you can add hints which will be shown in the Transifex web-interface:

<ul id="translations">
    <li id="add-new">
            // TRANSLATORS Will be shown inside a popup and asks the user to add a new file
            p($l->t('Add new file'));

Adding translations

Nextcloud’s translation system is powered by Transifex. To start translating sign up and enter a group. If your community app should be translated by the Nextcloud community on Transifex just follow the setup section below.

Translation tool

The translation tool scrapes the source code for method calls to t() or n() to extract the strings that should be translated. If you check in minified JS code for example then those method names are also quite common and could cause wrong extractions. For this reason we allow to specify a list of files that the translation tool will not scrape for strings. You simply need to add a file named .l10nignore into the root folder of your app and specify the files one per line:

# compiled vue templates

Setup of the transifex sync

To setup the transifex sync within the Nextcloud community you need to add first the transifex config to your app folder at .tx/config (please replace MYAPP with your apps id):

host =
lang_map = bg_BG: bg, cs_CZ: cs, fi_FI: fi, hu_HU: hu, nb_NO: nb, sk_SK: sk, th_TH: th, ja_JP: ja

file_filter = translationfiles/<lang>/MYAPP.po
source_file = translationfiles/templates/MYAPP.pot
source_lang = en
type = PO

Then create a folder l10n and a file l10n/.gitkeep to create an empty folder which later holds the translations.

Add one more file called .l10nignore in root of the repository and the files and folders to ignore for translations. Mostly used to ignore packed js files.

Now the GitHub account @nextcloud-bot needs to get write access to your repository. It will run every night and only push commits to the master branch once there is an update to the translation. In general you should enable the protected branches feature at least for the master branch.

For the sync job there is a configuration file available in our docker-ci repository. Adding there the repo owner and repo name to the section named app via pull request is enough. Once this change is in one member of the sysadmin team will deploy it to the sync server and the job will then run once a day.

If you need help then just open a ticket with the request and we can also guide you through the steps.

Manual translation

If Transifex is not the right choice or the app is not accepted for translation, generate the gettext strings by yourself by executing our translation tool in the app folder:

cd /srv/http/nextcloud/apps/myapp
translationtool.phar create-pot-files

The translation tool requires gettext, installable via:

apt-get install gettext

The above tool generates a template that can be used to translate all strings of an app. This template is located in the folder translationfiles/template/ with the name myapp.pot. It can be used by your favored translation tool which then creates a .po file. The .po file needs to be placed in a folder named like the language code with the app name as filename - for example translationfiles/es/myapp.po. After this step the tool needs to be invoked to transfer the po file into our own fileformat that is more easily readable by the server code:

translationtool.phar convert-po-files

Now the following folder structure is available:

|-- es.js
|-- es.json
|-- es
|   |-- myapp.po
|-- templates
    |-- myapp.pot

You then just need the .json and .js files for a working localized app.