
Init the library

Start using the library; it is needed to init the object mClient that will be in charge of keeping the communication with the server.

Code example

public class MainActivity extends Activity
                          implements  OnRemoteOperationListener,
                                      OnDatatransferProgressListener {
private OwnCloudClient mClient;
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


// Parse URI to the base URL of the Nextcloud server
Uri serverUri = Uri.parse(getString(R.string.server_base_url));

// Create client object to perform remote operations
mClient = OwnCloudClientFactory.createOwnCloudClient(
            // Activity or Service context

Set credentials

Authentication on the app is possible by 3 different methods:

  • Basic authentication, user name and password

  • Bearer access token (oAuth2)

  • Cookie (SAML-based single-sign-on)

Code example

package com.owncloud.android.lib.common;

public class OwnCloudClient extends HttpClient {
  // Set basic credentials
      NextcloudCredentialsFactory.newBasicCredentials(username, password)
  // Set bearer access token
  // Set SAML2 session token

Create a folder

Create a new folder on the cloud server, the info needed to be sent is the path of the new folder.

Code example

private void startFolderCreation(String newFolderPath) {
  CreateRemoteFolderOperation createOperation = new CreateRemoteFolderOperation(newFolderPath, false);
  createOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof CreateRemoteFolderOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here
  // …

Read folder

Get the content of an existing folder on the cloud server, the info needed to be sent is the path of the folder, in the example shown it has been asked the content of the root folder. As answer of this method, it will be received an array with all the files and folders stored in the selected folder.

Code example

private void startReadRootFolder() {
  ReadRemoteFolderOperation refreshOperation = new ReadRemoteFolderOperation(FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR);
  // root folder
  refreshOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof ReadRemoteFolderOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      List< RemoteFile > files = result.getData();
      // do your stuff here
  // …

Read file

Get information related to a certain file or folder, information obtained is: filePath, filename, isDirectory, size and date.

Code example

private void startReadFileProperties(String filePath) {
  ReadRemoteFileOperation readOperation = new ReadRemoteFileOperation(filePath);
  readOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof ReadRemoteFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      RemoteFile file = result.getData()[0];
      // do your stuff here
  // …

Delete file or folder

Delete a file or folder on the cloud server. The info needed is the path of folder/file to be deleted.

Code example

private void startRemoveFile(String filePath) {
  RemoveRemoteFileOperation removeOperation = new RemoveRemoteFileOperation(remotePath);
  removeOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof RemoveRemoteFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here
  // …

Download a file

Download an existing file on the cloud server. The info needed is path of the file on the server and targetDirectory, path where the file will be stored on the device.

Code example

private void startDownload(String filePath, File targetDirectory) {
  DownloadRemoteFileOperation downloadOperation = new DownloadRemoteFileOperation(filePath, targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
  downloadOperation.execute( mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof DownloadRemoteFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here

public void onTransferProgress(long progressRate, long totalTransferredSoFar, long totalToTransfer, String fileName) {
mHandler.post( new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
    // do your UI updates about progress here

Upload a file

Upload a new file to the cloud server. The info needed is fileToUpload, path where the file is stored on the device, remotePath, path where the file will be stored on the server and mimeType.

Code example

private void startUpload(File fileToUpload, String remotePath, String mimeType) {
  UploadRemoteFileOperation uploadOperation = new UploadRemoteFileOperation(fileToUpload.getAbsolutePath(), remotePath, mimeType);
  uploadOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof UploadRemoteFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here

public void onTransferProgress(long progressRate, long totalTransferredSoFar, long totalToTransfer, String fileName) {
  mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      // do your UI updates about progress here

Move a file or folder

Move an exisintg file or folder to a different location in the Nextcloud server. Parameters needed are the path to the file or folder to move, and the new path desired for it. The parent folder of the new path must exist in the server.

When the parameter ‘overwrite’ is set to ‘true’, the file or folder is moved even if the new path is already used by a different file or folder. This one will be replaced by the former.

Code example

private void startFileMove(String filePath, String newFilePath, boolean overwrite) {
  MoveRemoteFileOperation moveOperation = new MoveRemoteFileOperation(filePath, newFilePath, overwrite);
  moveOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof MoveRemoteFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here
  // …

Get the share resources for a given file or folder

Get information about what files and folder are shared by link on a certain folder. The info needed is filePath, path of the file/folder on the server, the Boolean variable, getReshares, come from the Sharing api, from the moment it is not in use within the Nextcloud Android library.

Code example

private void startSharesRetrievalForFileOrFolder(String filePath, boolean getReshares) {
  GeteRemoteSharesForFileOperation operation = new GetRemoteSharesForFileOperation(filePath, getReshares, false);
  operation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

private void startSharesRetrievalForFilesInFolder(String folderPath, boolean getReshares) {
  GetRemoteSharesForFileOperation operation = new GetRemoteSharesForFileOperation(folderPath, getReshares, true);
  operation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof GetRemoteSharesForFileOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      ArrayList< OCShare > shares = new ArrayList< OCShare >();
      for (Object obj: result.getData()) {
        shares.add((OCShare) obj);
      // do your stuff here

Delete a share resource

Stop sharing by link a file or a folder from your cloud server.

The info needed is the object OCShare that you want to stop sharing by link.

Code example

private void startShareRemoval(OCShare share) {
  RemoveRemoteShareOperation operation = new RemoveRemoteShareOperation((int) share.getIdRemoteShared());
  operation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
  if (operation instanceof RemoveRemoteShareOperation) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
      // do your stuff here


  • Credentials must be set before calling any method

  • Paths must not be on URL Encoding

  • Correct path: https://example.com/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/PopMusic

  • Wrong path: https://example.com/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/Pop%20Music/

  • There are some forbidden characters to be used in folder and file names on the server, same on the Nextcloud Android Library “",”/”,”<”,”>”,”:”,”””,”|”,”?”,”*”

  • Upload and download actions may be cancelled thanks to the objects uploadOperation.cancel(), downloadOperation.cancel()

  • Unit tests, before launching unit tests you have to enter your account information (server URL, user and password) on TestActivity.java