The OCS Share API allows you to access the sharing API from outside over pre-defined OCS calls.
The base URL for all calls to the share API is: <nextcloud_base_url>/ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1
All calls to OCS endpoints require the OCS-APIRequest
header to be set to true
Local Shares
Get all Shares
Get all shares from the user.
Syntax: /shares
Method: GET
Result: XML with all shares
100 - successful
404 - couldn’t fetch shares
Get Shares from a specific file or folder
Get all shares from a given file/folder.
Syntax: /shares
Method: GET
URL Arguments: path - (string) path to file/folder
URL Arguments: reshares - (boolean) returns not only the shares from the current user but all shares from the given file.
URL Arguments: subfiles - (boolean) returns all shares within a folder, given that path defines a folder
Mandatory fields: path
Result: XML with the shares
100 - successful
400 - not a directory (if the ‘subfile’ argument was used)
404 - file doesn’t exist
Get information about a known Share
Get information about a given share.
Syntax: /shares/<share_id>
Method: GET
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID
Result: XML with the share information
100 - successful
404 - share doesn’t exist
Create a new Share
Share a file/folder with a user/group or as public link.
Syntax: /shares
Method: POST
POST Arguments: path - (string) path to the file/folder which should be shared
POST Arguments: shareType - (int) 0 = user; 1 = group; 3 = public link; 4 = email; 6 = federated cloud share; 7 = circle; 10 = Talk conversation
POST Arguments: shareWith - (string) user / group id / email address / circleID / conversation name with which the file should be shared
POST Arguments: publicUpload - (string) allow public upload to a public shared folder (true/false)
POST Arguments: password - (string) password to protect public link Share with
POST Arguments: permissions - (int) 1 = read; 2 = update; 4 = create; 8 = delete; 16 = share; 31 = all (default: 31, for public shares: 1)
POST Arguments: expireDate - (string) set a expire date for public link shares. This argument expects a well formatted date string, e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DD’
Mandatory fields: shareType, path and shareWith for shareType 0 or 1.
Result: XML containing the share ID (int) of the newly created share
100 - successful
400 - unknown share type
403 - public upload was disabled by the admin
404 - file couldn’t be shared
Delete Share
Remove the given share.
Syntax: /shares/<share_id>
Method: DELETE
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID
100 - successful
404 - file couldn’t be deleted
Update Share
Update a given share. Only one value can be updated per request.
Syntax: /shares/<share_id>
Method: PUT
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID
PUT Arguments: permissions - (int) update permissions (see “Create share” above)
PUT Arguments: password - (string) updated password for public link Share
PUT Arguments: publicUpload - (string) enable (true) /disable (false) public upload for public shares.
PUT Arguments: expireDate - (string) set a expire date for public link shares. This argument expects a well formatted date string, e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DD’
PUT Arguments: note - (string) Adds a note for the share recipient.
Only one of the update parameters can be specified at once.
100 - successful
400 - wrong or no update parameter given
403 - public upload disabled by the admin
404 - couldn’t update share
Federated Cloud Shares
Both the sending and the receiving instance need to have federated cloud sharing enabled and configured. See Configuring Federated Cloud Sharing.
Create a new Federated Cloud Share
Creating a federated cloud share can be done via the local share endpoint, using (int) 6 as a shareType and the Federated Cloud ID of the share recipient as shareWith. See Create a new Share for more information.
List accepted Federated Cloud Shares
Get all federated cloud shares the user has accepted.
Syntax: /remote_shares
Method: GET
Result: XML with all accepted federated cloud shares
100 - successful
Get information about a known Federated Cloud Share
Get information about a given received federated cloud that was sent from a remote instance.
Syntax: /remote_shares/<share_id>
Method: GET
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID as listed in the id field in the
listResult: XML with the share information
100 - successful
404 - share doesn’t exist
Delete an accepted Federated Cloud Share
Locally delete a received federated cloud share that was sent from a remote instance.
Syntax: /remote_shares/<share_id>
Method: DELETE
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID as listed in the id field in the
listResult: XML with the share information
100 - successful
404 - share doesn’t exist
List pending Federated Cloud Shares
Get all pending federated cloud shares the user has received.
Syntax: /remote_shares/pending
Method: GET
Result: XML with all pending federated cloud shares
100 - successful
Accept a pending Federated Cloud Share
Locally accept a received federated cloud share that was sent from a remote instance.
Syntax: /remote_shares/pending/<share_id>
Method: POST
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID as listed in the id field in the
listResult: XML with the share information
100 - successful
404 - share doesn’t exist
Decline a pending Federated Cloud Share
Locally decline a received federated cloud share that was sent from a remote instance.
Syntax: /remote_shares/pending/<share_id>
Method: DELETE
Arguments: share_id - (int) share ID as listed in the id field in the
listResult: XML with the share information
100 - successful
404 - share doesn’t exist