Installation wizard
Quick start
When Nextcloud prerequisites are fulfilled and all Nextcloud files are installed, the last step to completing the installation is running the Installation Wizard. This is just three steps:
Point your Web browser to
Enter your desired administrator’s username and password.
Click Finish Setup.

You’re finished and can start using your new Nextcloud server.
Of course, there is much more that you can do to set up your Nextcloud server for best performance and security. In the following sections we will cover important installation and post-installation steps.
Data directory location
Click Storage and Database to expose additional installation configuration options for your Nextcloud data directory and database.

You should locate your Nextcloud data directory outside of your Web root if you
are using an HTTP server other than Apache, or you may wish to store your
Nextcloud data in a different location for other reasons (e.g. on a storage
server). It is best to configure your data directory location at installation,
as it is difficult to move after installation. You may put it anywhere; in this
example is it located in /opt/nextcloud/
. This directory must already exist,
and must be owned by your HTTP user.
Database choice
SQLite is the default database for Nextcloud Server and it is good only for testing and lightweight single-user setups without client synchronization. Supported databases are MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle 11g, and PostgreSQL, and we recommend MySQL/MariaDB. Your database and PHP connectors must be installed before you run the Installation Wizard. When you install Nextcloud from packages all the necessary dependencies will be satisfied (see Installation on Linux for a detailed listing of required and optional PHP modules). You will need the root database login, or any administrator login , and then enter any name you want for your Nextcloud database. Be careful your administrator login needs to have the permissions to create and modify databases and they needs to have the permissions to grant permissions to other users.
After you enter your root or administrator login for your database, the
installer creates a special database user with privileges limited to the
Nextcloud database. Then Nextcloud needs only the special Nextcloud database
user, and drops the root dB login. This user is named for your Nextcloud admin
user, with an oc_
prefix, and then given a random password. The Nextcloud
database user and password are written into config.php
'dbuser' => 'oc_molly',
'dbpassword' => 'pX65Ty5DrHQkYPE5HRsDvyFHlZZHcm',
Click Finish Setup, and start using your new Nextcloud server.

Now we will look at some important post-installation steps.
Trusted domains
All URLs used to access your Nextcloud server must be whitelisted in your
file, under the trusted_domains
setting. Users
are allowed to log into Nextcloud only when they point their browsers to a
URL that is listed in the trusted_domains
setting. You may use IP addresses
and domain names. A typical configuration looks like this:
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'localhost',
1 => '',
2 => '',
3 => '[fe80::1:50]',
The loopback address,
, is automatically whitelisted, so as long
as you have access to the physical server you can always log in. In the event
that a load balancer is in place there will be no issues as long as it sends
the correct X-Forwarded-Host header. When a user tries a URL that
is not whitelisted the following error appears: