User migration

The User migration app may be installed to allow migration of user data.

App developers can integrate into User migration and provide ways to export and import the app data of a user.

Register a migrator

A migrator is represented by a class implementing the OCP\\UserMigration\\IMigrator interface. This class is instantiated whenever a user export or import begins.



namespace OCA\MyApp\UserMigration;

use OCA\MyApp\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\MyApp\IMyAppManager;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\UserMigration\IExportDestination;
use OCP\UserMigration\IImportSource;
use OCP\UserMigration\IMigrator;
use OCP\UserMigration\TMigratorBasicVersionHandling;
use OCP\UserMigration\UserMigrationException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Throwable;

class MyAppMigrator implements IMigrator {
  use TMigratorBasicVersionHandling;

  private IMyAppManager $myAppManager;

  private IL10N $l10n;

  private const PATH_ROOT = Application::APP_ID . '/';

  private const PATH_MYAPP_FILE = MyAppMigrator::PATH_ROOT . 'myapp.json';

  public function __construct(
    IMyAppManager $myAppManager,
    IL10N $l10n
  ) {
    $this->myAppManager = $myAppManager;
    $this->l10n = $l10n;

   * Export user data
   * @throws UserMigrationException
   * @since 24.0.0
  public function export(IUser $user, IExportDestination $exportDestination, OutputInterface $output): void {
    $output->writeln('Exporting myapp information in ' . MyAppMigrator::PATH_MYAPP_FILE . '…');

    try {
      $data = $this->myAppManager->getUserData($user);
      $exportDestination->addFileContents(MyAppMigrator::PATH_MYAPP_FILE, json_encode($data));
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
      throw new UserMigrationException('Could not export myapp information', 0, $e);

   * Import user data
   * @throws UserMigrationException
   * @since 24.0.0
  public function import(IUser $user, IImportSource $importSource, OutputInterface $output): void {
    if ($importSource->getMigratorVersion($this->getId()) === null) {
      $output->writeln('No version for ' . static::class . ', skipping import…');

    $output->writeln('Importing myapp information from ' . MyAppMigrator::PATH_MYAPP_FILE . '…');

    $data = json_decode($importSource->getFileContents(MyAppMigrator::PATH_MYAPP_FILE), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

    try {
      $this->myAppManager->setUserData($user, $data);
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
      throw new UserMigrationException('Could not import myapp information', 0, $e);

    * Returns the unique ID
    * @since 24.0.0
  public function getId(): string {
    return 'myapp';

    * Returns the display name
    * @since 24.0.0
  public function getDisplayName(): string {
    return $this->l10n->t('My App');

    * Returns the description
    * @since 24.0.0
  public function getDescription(): string {
    return $this->l10n->t('My App information');

The MyAppMigrator class needs to be registered during the app bootstrap.



namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use OCA\MyApp\UserMigration\MyAppMigrator;
use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootContext;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootstrap;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;

class Application extends App implements IBootstrap {
  public const APP_ID = 'myapp';

  public function __construct(array $urlParams = []) {
      parent::__construct(self::APP_ID, $urlParams);

  public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {

  public function boot(IBootContext $context): void {