User management

Users can be managed using the IUserManager service that can be injected.


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use OCP\IUserManager;

class UserService {
    private IUserManager $userManager;

    public function __construct(IUserManager $userManager){
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

    public function createUser($userId, $password) {
        return $this->userManager->create($userId, $password);

Creating users

Creating a user is done by passing a username and password to the create method:


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

class UserService {
    private IUserManager $userManager;

    public function __construct(IUserManager $userManager){
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

    public function create($userId, $password) {
        return $this->userManager->create($userId, $password);

Modifying users

Users can be modified by getting a user by the userId or by a search pattern. The returned user objects can then be used to:

  • Delete them

  • Set a new password

  • Disable/Enable them

  • Get their home directory

namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

class UserService {

    private IUserManager $userManager;

    public function __construct(IUserManager $userManager){
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

    public function delete($userId) {
        return $this->userManager->get($userId)->delete();

    // recoveryPassword is used for the encryption app to recover the keys
    public function setPassword($userId, $password, $recoveryPassword) {
        return $this->userManager->get($userId)->setPassword($password, $recoveryPassword);

    public function disable($userId) {
        return $this->userManager->get($userId)->setEnabled(false);

    public function getHome($userId) {
        return $this->userManager->get($userId)->getHome();

User session information

To login, logout or getting the currently logged in user, the IUserSession service that can be injected.


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use OCP\IUserSession;

class UserService {
    private IUserSession $userSession;

    public function __construct(IUserSession $userSession){
        $this->userSession = $userSession;

Then users can be logged in and out by using:


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use OCP\IUserSession;

class UserService {
    private IUserSession $userSession;

    public function __construct(IUserSession $userSession){
        $this->userSession = $userSession;

    public function login(string $userId, string $password): void {
        return $this->userSession->login($userId, $password);

    public function logout(): void {

User objects

User objects can be acquired from the IUserManager::get method.


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;

class UserService {
    private IUserManager $userManager;

    public function __construct(IUserManager $userManager) {
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

    public function foo(string $userId): void {
        /** @var IUser|null $user */
        $user = $this->userManager->get($userId);
        if ($user !== null) {
            // User exists
        } else {
            // The user does not exist

User managers

New in version 27.

Nextcloud users can be defined as managers of other users. This is an informational property and has no influence on authorization. A user manager is not to confuse with admins or sub admins.


namespace OCA\MyApp\Service;

use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;

class UserService {
    private IUserManager $userManager;

    public function __construct(IUserManager $userManager) {
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

    public function updateUserManagers(string $userId): void {
        /** @var IUser|null $user */
        $user = $this->userManager->get('user123');
        if ($user === null) {
            throw \InvalidArgumentException("User $userId does not exist");

        $managerUids = $user->getManagerUids();
        // Turn UIDs into user objects
        $managers = array_map(function(string $uid) {
            return $this->userManager->get($uid);
        }, $managerUids));
        // Remove and managers that no longer exist as user
        $existingManagers = array_filter($managers);
        $user->setManagerUids(array_map(function(IUser $admin) {
            return $user->getUID();
        }, $existingManagers));