
AppAPI introduces a distinct method of authentication for external apps. This authentication relies on a shared secret between Nextcloud and the external app.

Authentication flow

  1. ExApp sends a request to Nextcloud

  2. Nextcloud passes request to AppAPI

  3. AppAPI validates request (see authentication flow in details)

  4. Request is accepted/rejected

NextcloudExAppNextcloudAppAPIRequest to APIValidate requestRequest accepted/rejectedResponse (200/401)ExAppNextcloudAppAPI

Authentication headers

Each ExApp request to secured API with AppAPIAuth must contain the following headers:

  1. AA-VERSION - minimal version of the AppAPI

  2. EX-APP-ID- ID of the ExApp

  3. EX-APP-VERSION - version of the ExApp

  4. AUTHORIZATION-APP-API - base64 encoded userid:secret

Authentication flow in details

NextcloudExAppNextcloudAppAPIRequest to API1Check if AUTHORIZATION-APP-API header exists2Reject if AUTHORIZATION-APP-API header not exists3Check if AppAPI app is enabled4Reject if AppAPI is not exists or disabled5Validate request6Check if ExApp exists and enabled7Reject if ExApp not exists or disabled8Validate shared secret from AUTHORIZATION-APP-API9Reject if secret does not match10Check if user is not empty and active11Set active user12Request accepted/rejected13Response (200/401)14ExAppNextcloudAppAPI


AppAPI provides an AppAPIAuth attribute with middleware to validate requests from ExApps. In your API controllers, you can use it as a PHP attribute.

AppAPI session keys

After successful authentication, AppAPI sets the app_api session key to true.

$this->session->set('app_api', true);


The Nextcloud server verifies this session key and allows CORS protection and Two-Factor authentication to be bypassed for requests coming from ExApps. Also, the rate limit is not applied to requests coming from ExApps.