Webhook Listeners
Nextcloud supports listening to internal events via webhooks.
Enable the
app that comes bundled with Nextcloud
occ app:enable webhook_listeners
Listening to events
You can use the OCS API to add webhooks for specific events: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/_static/openapi.html#/operations/webhook_listeners-webhooks-index
Note: When authenticating with the OCS API to register webhooks the account you authenticate as must have administrator rights or delegated administrator rights.
When registering a webhook listener, you can specify a filter parameter. The value of this parameter must be a JSON object whose properties represent filter conditions. The {}
is an empty query, meaning no specific criteria, so all events are matched.
If you would like to match events fired by a specific user, you can pass { "user.uid": "bob" }
to match all events fired in the context of user "bob"
If you would like to enforce multiple criteria, you can simply pass multiple properties { "event.tableId": 42, "event.rowId": 3 }
If you would like to match values partially, you can use regular expressions: { "user.uid": "/admin_.*/"}
will match any user whose user ID starts with admin_
. This can be especially useful for filesystem events for filtering by path: { "event.node.path": "/^\\/.*\\/files\\/Special folder\\//"}
will match files inside the Special folder
of any user (Note especially, that the slashes in the path need to be escaped with two back-slashes, once because we’re inside a json string and once because we’re inside a regular expression).
You can also use additional comparison operators ($eq, $ne, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $in, $nin
) as well as logical operators ($and, $or, $not, $nor
). For example use { "time" : { "$lt": 1711971024 } }
to accept only events prior to April 1st 2024 and { "time" : { "$not": { "$lt": 1711971024 } } }
to accept events after April 1st 2024.
Speeding up webhook dispatch
This app uses background jobs to trigger the registered webhooks. Thus, by default, webhooks will be triggered only every 5 minutes, as the default cron interval is 5 minutes. To trigger webhooks earlier, you can set up a background job worker. The following command will launch a worker for the webhook call background job:
Screen or tmux session
Run the following occ command inside a screen or a tmux session, preferably 4 or more times for parallel processing of multiple requests by different or the same user. It would be best to run one command per screen session or per tmux window/pane to keep the logs visible and the worker easily restartable.
set -e; while true; do sudo -u www-data occ background-job:worker -v -t 60 "OCA\WebhookListeners\BackgroundJobs\WebhookCall"; done
For Nextcloud-AIO you should use this command on the host server.
set -e; while true; do sudo docker exec -u www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ background-job:worker -v -t 60 "OCA\WebhookListeners\BackgroundJobs\WebhookCall"; done
You may want to adjust the number of workers and the timeout (in seconds) to your needs. The logs of the worker can be checked by attaching to the screen or tmux session.
Systemd service
Create a systemd service file in
with the following content:
Description=Nextcloud Webhook worker %i
ExecStart=/opt/nextcloud-webhook-worker/taskprocessing.sh %i
Create a shell script in
with the following content and make sure to make it executable:
echo "Starting Nextcloud Webhook Worker $1"
cd /path/to/nextcloud
sudo -u www-data php occ background-job:worker -t 60 'OCA\WebhookListeners\BackgroundJobs\WebhookCall'
You may want to adjust the timeout to your needs (in seconds).
Enable and start the service 4 or more times:
for i in {1..4}; do systemctl enable --now nextcloud-webhook-worker@$i.service; done
The status of the workers can be checked with (replace 1 with the worker number):
systemctl status nextcloud-webhook-worker@1.service
The list of workers can be checked with:
systemctl list-units --type=service | grep nextcloud-webhook-worker
The complete logs of the workers can be checked with (replace 1 with the worker number):
sudo journalctl -xeu nextcloud-webhook-worker@1.service -f
It is recommended to restart this worker at least once a day to make sure code changes are effective and avoid memory leaks, in this example the service restarts every 60 seconds.
Nextcloud Webhook Events
This is an exhaustive list of available events. It features the event ID and the available variables for filtering.
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "form": array{ "id": int, "hash": string, "title": string, "description": string, "ownerId": string, "fileId": string|null, "fileFormat": string|null, "created": int, "access": int, "expires": int, "isAnonymous": bool, "submitMultiple": bool, "showExpiration": bool, "lastUpdated": int, "submissionMessage": string|null, "state": int, }, "submission": array{ "id": int, "formId": int, "userId": string, "timestamp": int, }, } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "tableId": int, "rowId": int, "previousValues": null|array<int, mixed>, "values": null|array<int, mixed> } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "tableId": int, "rowId": int, "previousValues": null|array<int, mixed>, "values": null|array<int, mixed> } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "tableId": int, "rowId": int, "previousValues": null|array<int, mixed>, "values": null|array<int, mixed> } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "node": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array{ "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, "source": array{"id": string, "path": string} "target": array{"id": string, "path": string} } }
array { "user": array {"uid": string, "displayName": string}, "time": int, "event": array{ "class": string, 'eventType' => 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::assignTags' | 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::unassignTags', 'objectType' => string (e.g. 'files'), 'objectId' => string, 'tagIds' => int[], } }