OCS Sharee API
The OCS Sharee API allows you to access the sharing API from outside over pre-defined OCS calls.
The base URL for all calls to the Sharee API is: <nextcloud_base_url>/ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1
All calls to OCS endpoints require the OCS-APIRequest
header to be set to true
Search sharees
Get all sharees matching a search term.
Syntax: /sharees
Method: GET
URL Arguments: search - (string) the search term
URL Arguments: lookup - (bool) whether to search globally on the Nextcloud lookup server
URL Arguments: perPage - (int) number of sharees per page
URL Arguments: itemType - (string) type of share, e.g. “file”
Result: XML with all sharees
Status codes:
100 - successful
Sharee recommendations
Get sharees the sharer might want to share with.
Syntax: /sharees_recommended
Method: GET
URL Arguments: itemType - (string) type of share, e.g. “file”
Result: XML with recommended sharees
Status codes:
100 - successful