Files Metadata

Added in version 28.

Nextcloud includes an API to manage files’ metadata, with a deep integration in WebDAV.

Concept overview

When a file is created or modified on Nextcloud, a refresh of its metadata is initiated. You will then be able to listen to the MetadataLiveEvent event to create, update, or delete metadata. If you suspect your process to be hungry in time or resources, you can request for a background event called MetadataBackgroundEvent and do your work there.

Consuming the Files Metadata API

To consume the Files Metadata API, you will need to inject IFilesMetadataManager. This manager offers the following methods:

  • refreshMetadata(Node $node, int $process) This method will initiate the process of refreshing the metadata related to a file.

  • getMetadata(int $fileId, bool $generate) This method will returns a IFilesMetadata which contains metadata related to a file.

  • saveMetadata(IFilesMetadata $filesMetadata) Save a IFilesMetadata and generate indexes.

  • deleteMetadata(int $fileId) Delete all metadata related to a file.

  • getMetadataQuery(IQueryBuilder $qb, string $fileTableAlias, string $fileIdField) This method will returns a IMetadataQuery to help building Sql request.

  • getKnownMetadata() Returns a list of known metadata keys globally available to the instance, and the expected type for each value.

  • initMetadata(string $key, string $type, bool $indexed, bool $remotelyEditable) This method allow to initiate a metadata before any of the files is examined

Live & Background Events

Two (2) events can be caught by your app to generate metadata. The first one is called on the main process, just after the upload/modification of the file. The second one is called on a background process, initiated by cronjob.

  • OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataLiveEvent

  • OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataBackgroundEvent

Both events contain those methods:

  • getNode() Returns related Node.

  • getMetadata() Returns IFilesMetadata. Any changes made to this object will be saved at the end of the event.

Generating metadata from a file might require a lot of resources; in that case it is advised to run this generation on a background job by requesting a re-run by calling the method MetadataLiveEvent::requestBackgroundJob()

/** lib/AppInfo/Application.php */

namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use OCA\MyApp\Listeners\UpdateFilesMetadata;
use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootContext;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootstrap;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataBackgroundEvent;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataLiveEvent;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\Model\IMetadataValueWrapper;

class Application extends App implements IBootstrap {
    public function __construct(array $params = []) {
        parent::__construct('my_app', $params);

    public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {
        $context->registerEventListener(MetadataLiveEvent::class, UpdateFilesMetadata::class);
        $context->registerEventListener(MetadataBackgroundEvent::class, UpdateFilesMetadata::class);

    public function boot(IBootContext $context): void {


If the generation of metadata requires low resources, the app only need to listen on MetadataLiveEvent

/** lib/Listeners/UpdateFilesMetadata.php */

namespace OCA\MyApp\Listeners;

use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataBackgroundEvent;
use OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataLiveEvent;

class UpdateFilesMetadata implements IEventListener {
    public function __construct() {

    public function handle(Event $event): void {
        if (!($event instanceof MetadataLiveEvent) &&
            !($event instanceof MetadataBackgroundEvent)) {

        $node = $event->getNode();

        // my-first-meta is light enough
        $metadata = $event->getMetadata();
        $metadata->setString('my-first-meta', 'yes');

        if ($event instanceof MetadataLiveEvent) {

        // my-second-meta is too heavy and should be run on a background job
        $metadata->setInt('my-second-meta', 1234, true);

Read metadata using occ command

Stored metadata related to a file can be obtained from a console, using the occ command:

$ ./occ metadata:get 1742
    "my-first-meta": {
        "value": "yes",
        "type": "string",
        "indexed": false
    "my-second-meta": {
        "value": 1234,
        "type": "int",
        "indexed": true


The generation process can also be initiated, using the --refresh option. Please note that the file owner need to be specified in the command. When refreshing metadata from the console, both MetadataLiveEvent and MetadataBackgroundEvent are triggered, without waiting for the next tick of crontab

Update metadata using PROPPATCH

Using WebDAV request, a client can create or update metadata about a file:

curl '' \
    --user test:test \
    --request PROPPATCH \
    --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <d:propertyupdate xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">

This will return a result like

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">
            <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>


WebDAV prefixes metadata with <nc:metadata-, which means that the metadata name available to the backend in our example is myapp-test.


By default, metadata are not editable/creatable when using a WebDAV PROPPATCH request. It is required to initiate it first using IFilesMetadataManager::initMetadata()

/** lib/AppInfo/Application.php */
public function boot(IBootContext $context): void {
    /** @var IFilesMetadataManager $metadataManager */
    $metadataManager = $context->getServerContainer()->get(IFilesMetadataManager::class);
    $metadataManager->initMetadata('myapp-test', IMetadataValueWrapper::TYPE_INT, true, IMetadataValueWrapper::EDIT_REQ_OWNERSHIP);

Delete metadata using PROPPATCH

Using WebDAV request, a client can delete metadata about a file:

curl '' \
    --user test:test \
    --request PROPPATCH \
    --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <d:propertyupdate xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">

Retrieve metadata using PROPFIND

Metadata are available to the WebDAV PROPFIND requests:

curl '' \
    --user test:test \
    --request PROPFIND \
    --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">

This will return a result like

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">
            <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>

WebDAV SEARCH based on metadata

curl '' \
    --user test:test \
    --request SEARCH \
    --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <d:searchrequest xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">
                        <nc:metadata-myapp-test />

This will return a result like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="" xmlns:nc="">
            <d:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</d:status>
            <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>
            <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>


Metadata used in ORDER and WHERE statement will require metadata to be initiated and set as indexed. It is required to call IFilesMetadataManager::initMetadata() before running the WebDAV request or it will returns an exception because of unknown property.

/** lib/AppInfo/Application.php */
public function boot(IBootContext $context): void {
    /** @var IFilesMetadataManager $metadataManager */
    $metadataManager = $context->getServerContainer()->get(IFilesMetadataManager::class);
    $metadataManager->initMetadata('my-second-meta', IMetadataValueWrapper::TYPE_INT, true);

Metadata Query Helper

IFilesMetadataManager::getMetadataQuery(IQueryBuilder $qb, string $fileTableAlias, string $fileIdField) returns a IMetadataQuery to help building Sql request with the following methods. Parameters when calling the method are the alias of the table, and the name of the field, that contains file ids.

  • retrieveMetadata() will add a select on the stored metadata

  • extractMetadata(array $row) convert a fetched row from the resultinto a IFilesMetadata

  • joinIndex(string $metadataKey, bool $enforce) join the indexes to the request

  • getMetadataKeyField(string $metadataKey) returns the field and the aliased table of the key of an index

  • getMetadataValueField(string $metadataKey) returns the field and the aliased table of the value of an index

// generate your normal query builder
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
   ->from('my_table', 'my_alias');

/** @var IFilesMetadataManager $metadataManager */
$metadataManager = $context->getServerContainer()->get(IFilesMetadataManager::class);

// get a configured query helper and add a select on the metadata
$metadataQuery = $metadataManager->getMetadataQuery($qb, 'my_alias', 'file_id');

// right join the index table and get only value lower than 8910 for metadata 'my-second-meta'
$metadataQuery->joinIndex('my-second-meta', true);
$qb->where($qb->expr()->lt($metadataQuery->getMetadataValueField('my-second-meta'), $qb->createNamedParameter(8910)));

// get result
$result = $qb->execute();
$items = $result->fetchAll();

// extract metadata from each row
$entries = array_map(function (array $data) use ($metadataQuery): array {
    $data['metadata'] = $metadataQuery->extractMetadata($data)->asArray();
}, $items);