AppAPI introduces a distinct method of authentication for external apps. This authentication relies on a shared secret between Nextcloud and the external app.
Authentication flow
ExApp sends a request to Nextcloud
Nextcloud passes request to AppAPI
AppAPI validates request (see authentication flow in details)
Request is accepted/rejected
Authentication headers
Each ExApp request to secured API with AppAPIAuth must contain the following headers:
- minimal version of the AppAPIEX-APP-ID
- version of the ExAppAUTHORIZATION-APP-API
- base64 encodeduserid:secret
Authentication flow in details
sequenceDiagram autonumber participant ExApp box Nextcloud participant Nextcloud participant AppAPI end ExApp->>+Nextcloud: Request to API Nextcloud->>Nextcloud: Check if AUTHORIZATION-APP-API header exists Nextcloud-->>ExApp: Reject if AUTHORIZATION-APP-API header not exists Nextcloud->>Nextcloud: Check if AppAPI app is enabled Nextcloud-->>ExApp: Reject if AppAPI is not exists or disabled Nextcloud->>+AppAPI: Validate request AppAPI-->>AppAPI: Check if ExApp exists and enabled AppAPI-->>Nextcloud: Reject if ExApp not exists or disabled AppAPI-->>AppAPI: Validate shared secret from AUTHORIZATION-APP-API AppAPI-->>Nextcloud: Reject if secret does not match AppAPI-->>AppAPI: Check if user is not empty and active AppAPI-->>Nextcloud: Set active user AppAPI->>-Nextcloud: Request accepted/rejected Nextcloud->>-ExApp: Response (200/401)
AppAPI provides an AppAPIAuth
attribute with middleware to validate requests from ExApps.
In your API controllers, you can use it as a PHP attribute.
AppAPI session keys
After successful authentication, AppAPI sets the app_api session key to true
$this->session->set('app_api', true);
The Nextcloud server verifies this session key and allows CORS protection and Two-Factor authentication to be bypassed for requests coming from ExApps. Also, the rate limit is not applied to requests coming from ExApps.