JavaScript and Typescript

General rules and advice

  • Nextcloud uses Vue.js for its interface, for a consistent user interface we recommend apps to also use Vue with provided components. Yet also vanilla JavaScript and HTML can be used.

  • We recommend using Typescript for its type checking and improved static code analysis features.

  • Do not create global variables, instead if needed use global namespace objects like OCA.YourApp.…

  • Use JavaScript strict mode (automatically the case when using JavaScript modules)

ESLint config

There is a shared configuration for eslint that you can use to automatically format your Nextcloud apps’s JavaScript and Typescript code. It consists of two parts: a config package that contains the formatting preferences and a plugin to detect deprecated and removed APIs in your code. See their readmes for instructions.

Filesystem structure

For vanilla JavaScript we recommend the following structure:

  • appid/: Root of the app
    • js/: JavaScript files
      • appid.js: Your app entry point

    • css/: Location for all CSS files
      • appid.css

When using a bundler to compile Typescript (or JavaScript) we recommend the following structure:

  • appid/: Root of the app
    • js/: Compiled JavaScript files

    • css/: Compiled CSS output

    • src/: Root of all source files
      • components/: Location of Vue components

      • composables/: Location of Vue composables

      • services/: Location for service files like API abstractions

      • stores/: Location of Pinia stores

      • views/: Location of views

      • main.ts: Main entry point of your app


We do not have strict rules for filenames, either kebab case or camel case will work.

Yet we strongly recommend for Vue apps to follow the Vue recommendations and use the same filename as the component name. E.g. if your component is called AppRoot then the file should be called AppRoot.vue.

Code style


Naming and casing

  • Use camelCase for

    • functions

    • methods

    • properties

    • variables

  • Use PascalCase for

    • classes

    • enums

    • types

    • interfaces

    • Vue components

  • For readability only capitalize the first letter of abbreviations like callHttpApi() instead of callHTTPAPI().

  • Sub-components should be prefixed. E.g. splitting a component like FileListEntry into smaller components called FileListEntryName, FileListEntryIcon

  • Components should not have single-word names, this could conflict with current or future native HTML tags as these are always single-word. E.g. if you have a settings view, do not call it Settings but SettingsView or UserSettings etc.

Use camelCase for functions, methods, properties, and variables

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const fileId = 123
const obj = {
    myProperty: false,
const file_id = 123
const obj = {
    'my-property': false,
Use PascalCase for classes, interfaces, types and Vue components

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

class MyClass { /* ... */ }
interface IRequest { /* ... */ }
type Arguments = string[]
class myClass { /* ... */ }
interface I_request { /* ... */ }
type arguments = string[]


  • Use tabs instead of spaces for indenting - tab width is 4 spaces.

    • You can align e.g. comments using spaces if needed.


Avoid semicolons where not needed.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const text = 'foo'
const text = 'foo';
const text = 'foo'
;(someProp as SomeType).handle()


Use single quotes.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const text = 'foo'
const text = "foo"
Prefer template literals for readability.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const text = `Hello ${username}!`
const text = 'Hello ' + username


Avoid multiple properties on the same line

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const arr = [
const arr = ['first', 'second', 'third']
Use dangling commas, this reduces the diff when adding new properties.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const arr = [
const arr = [
const arr = [
+   'third',
const arr = [
-   'second'
+   'second',
+   'third'


  • No spaces between function name and parameters.

  • Braces on same line as the definition.

  • Use consistent new lines in parameters (either all on one line, or one parameter per line).

  • For top-level functions, prefer regular functions over arrow functions. In Javascript functions defined with the function keyword will be hoisted, thus can even be used in other functions above their definition. Also using the function keyword makes the definition more explicit for readability. For callbacks anonymous arrow functions are often better suited as they do not create their own this binding.

  • Always use parenthesis for arrow functions. This helps for readability and prevents issues if parameters are added.

  • When using implicit return values in arrow functions with multi-line body use parenthesis around the body.

No space between function name and parameters

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

doSomething(1, false)
doSomething (1, false)
Braces on same line as the definition.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

function foo(name: string): boolean {
    // do something
function foo(name: string): boolean
    // do something
function bar(
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string,
): boolean {
    // do something
function bar(
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string,
): boolean
    // do something
const arrow = (name: string) => {
    // do something
const arrow = (name: string) =>
    // do something
Use consistent new lines in function parameters

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

function doSomething(num: number, enable: boolean) {
    // ...
function doSomething(num: number,
    enable: boolean) {
    // ...
function doSomething(
    num: number,
    enable: boolean,
) {
    // ...
function doSomething(
    num: number, enable: boolean,
) {
    // ...
Prefer regular top-level functions.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

export function doSomething(num: number, enable: boolean) {
    // ...
export const doSomething = (num: number, enable: boolean) => {
    // ...
} =>
// or => {
// while this is valid and work (item) {
// there is a caveat with accessing "this" (item) {
    // "this" is not the previous context
    // but the context of the callback function.
    // Thus this.category will be undefined.
    return `${this.category}: ${}`
Always use parenthesis for arrow function parameters.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t => =>, index) => getName(item, index))
Use parenthesis for multi-line body of arrow functions.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t => (
        ? 'yes'
        : 'no'
)) => item.value
    ? 'yes'
    : 'no'
) => ({
    prop: item.value,
    other: true,


Only quote properties when needed.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const obj = {
    noQuotesNeeded: true,
    'quotes-needed': false,
const obj = {
    'noQuotesNeeded': true,
    'quotes-needed': false,
Prefer shorthand properties

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const name = 'jdoe'
// ...
const obj = {
    id: 123,
const name = 'jdoe'
// ...
const obj = {
    name: name,
    id: 123,
Avoid multiple properties on the same line

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const obj = {
    first: 1,
    second: 'two',
const obj = { first: 1, second: 'two' }
Add spaces around content when needed

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const obj = { prop: true }
const obj = {prop: true}
Use dangling commas, this reduces the diff when adding new properties.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

const obj = {
    first: 1,
    second: 2,
const obj = {
    first: 1,
    second: 2
const obj = {
    first: 1,
    second: 2,
+   third: 3,
const obj = {
    first: 1,
-   second: 2
+   second: 2,
+   third: 3


  • Always use === and !== instead of == and !=

  • Prefer explicit comparisons

Here’s why:

'' == '0'           // false
0 == ''             // true
0 == '0'            // true

false == 'false'    // false
false == '0'        // true

false == undefined  // false
false == null       // false
null == undefined   // true

' \t\r\n ' == 0     // true
Use explicit comparisons

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

if (array.length > 0) { /* ... */ }
if (array.length) { /* ... */ }
if (array) { /* this is always true! */ }

Control structures

  • Always use braces, also for one line ifs

  • Split long ifs into multiple lines

  • Always use break in switch statements and prevent a default block with warnings if it shouldn’t be accessed

Always use braces.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

if (myVar === 'hi') {
if (array.length > 0) doSomething()
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    // your code
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    // your code
Split long conditions into multiple lines.

✅ Do

❌ Don’t

if (something === 'something'
    || condition2
    && condition3
) {
    // your code
if (something === 'something' || condition2 && condition3) {
    // your code