Out-of-office periods

New in version 28.0.

Since Nextcloud 28, users may set their out-of-office periods in their personal settings. The data can be accessed and modified by Nextcloud Apps via OCP and by clients via OCS. Nextcloud Apps can also listen to events emitted by the out-of-office feature.

The OCS API is documented in the client section.

Access data from within a Nextcloud App via OCP

The out-of-office data can be accessed through the OCP\User\IAvailabilityCoordinator interface. It provides the following methods:

 * Check if the feature is enabled on this instance
public function isEnabled(): bool;
 * Get the user's ongoing out-of-office data, if any
public function getCurrentOutOfOfficeData(IUser $user): ?IOutOfOfficeData;
 * Reset the absence cache to null
public function clearCache(string $userId): void;
 * Is the absence in effect at this moment
public function isInEffect(IOutOfOfficeData $data): bool;

Listening to events

All events have one common method to retrieve data about the affected out-of-office period.

public function getData(): IOutOfOfficeData;

The following events are emitted by the out-of-office feature:

  • OCP\User\Events\OutOfOfficeScheduledEvent If a new out-of-office period is scheduled for a user. This event is only emitted once when there was no out-of-office period before.

  • OCP\User\Events\OutOfOfficeChangedEvent If the out-of-office data of a user is changed.

  • OCP\User\Events\OutOfOfficeDeletedEvent If the out-of-office period of a user is deleted.

  • OCP\User\Events\OutOfOfficeStartedEvent If an out-of-office period starts. This event is only emitted once and not if a period starting in the past is created.

  • OCP\User\Events\OutOfOfficeEndedEvent If an out-of-office period ends. This event is only emitted once and not if a period ending in the past is created.

Common data structure

The OCP API and emitted events share a common data structure OCP\User\IOutOfOfficeData. The start and end dates are represented as UNIX timestamps.

interface IOutOfOfficeData extends JsonSerializable {
     * Get the unique token assigned to the current out-of-office event
    public function getId(): string;

    public function getUser(): IUser;

     * Get the accurate out-of-office start date
     * This event is not guaranteed to be emitted exactly at start date
    public function getStartDate(): int;

     * Get the (preliminary) out-of-office end date
    public function getEndDate(): int;

     * Get the short summary text displayed in the user status and similar
    public function getShortMessage(): string;

     * Get the long out-of-office message for auto responders and similar
    public function getMessage(): string;

     * Get the replacement user id for auto responders and similar
    public function getReplacementUserId(): ?string;

     * Get the replacement user displayName for auto responders and similar
    public function getReplacementUserDisplayName(): ?string;

It can be serialized to a JSON object with the following structure:

    id: string,
    userId: string,
    startDate: int,
    endDate: int,
    shortMessage: string,
    message: string,
    replacementUserId: string|null,
    replacementUserDisplayName: string|null