The ObjectID endpoint accepts:
* POST for creating a comment
* PROPFIND to list comments, and also the read mark. You need to specify
attributes in the request.
* PROPPATCH to update the read mark, property name:
* REPORT to search comments
The CommentID endpoint accepts:
* PROPPATCH to update the comment
* DELETE to delete it
* PROPFIND to list all properties
For a list of properties, see:
If you want a real life example of use, the announcement center has comments implemented.
See the comments related files in
for frontend matters. Backendwise OCPCommentsICommentsManager is mostly close for housekeeping.
It was introduced in, but
there are also some follow up PRs.
Comments have a PHP API within OCP and also via WebDAV. Basic documentation below.
The Comments resource has an endpoint:
` remote.php/comments/$OBJECTTYPE/$OBJECTID [/$COMMENTID] `
The ObjectID endpoint accepts: * POST for creating a comment * PROPFIND to list comments, and also the read mark. You need to specify attributes in the request. * PROPPATCH to update the read mark, property name: {}readMarker * REPORT to search comments
The CommentID endpoint accepts: * PROPPATCH to update the comment * DELETE to delete it * PROPFIND to list all properties
For a list of properties, see:
REPORT request:
` curl -u user:pwd -i --data-binary "@report.xml" -X REPORT -H "Content-Type: text/xml" http://test.nextcloud.bla/master/remote.php/dav/comments/files/2156 `
report.xml your receive:
``` <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?> <D:report xmlns:D=”DAV:” xmlns:oc=”” >
</D:report> ```
Example Output (without headers):
``` <?xml version=”1.0”?> <d:multistatus xmlns:d=”DAV:” xmlns:s=”” xmlns:cal=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav” xmlns:cs=”” xmlns:card=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav” xmlns:oc=””>
</d:multistatus> ```
If you want a real life example of use, the announcement center has comments implemented. See the comments related files in for frontend matters. Backendwise OCPCommentsICommentsManager is mostly close for housekeeping. It was introduced in, but there are also some follow up PRs.