
App passwords

App passwords allow users to authenticate multiple client applications against their Nextcloud account without giving the application the login password. App passwords are mandatory for accounts with two-factor authentication enabled.

Some clients support remote wipe, which makes the connected application delete its local data.

Automated clean-up

New in version 30.

Nextcloud will delete unused passwords. Passwords set for remote wipe are deleted after 60 days of no usage. App passwords of client applications are deleted after 365 days of no usage.

The time spans can be overwritten with configuration:

php occ config:system:set token_auth_wipe_token_retention --type=int --value 2592000 # 60*60*24*30 - 30 days
php occ config:system:set token_auth_token_retention --type=int --value 63072000     # 60*60*24*365*2 - 2 years

Values are set in seconds.