Nextcloud Assistant
Nextcloud assistant is the primary graphical user interface for interacting with artificial intelligence features in Nextcloud.
It offers the graphical user interface for the unified AI Task processing API offering features like summarizing text, generating headlines, asking arbitrary questions, transcription of media files, image generation and it integrates with the context_chat app to offer in-context answers about your own data stored in Nextcloud. The assistant app also offers a chat interface to interact with the chosen language model. Nextcloud can provide customer support upon request, please talk to your account manager for the possibilities.
Find the user documentation here:
You can install the assistant app via the “Apps” page in Nextcloud, or by executing
php occ app:enable assistant
App store
You can also find the app in our app store, where you can write a review:
You can find the app’s code repository on GitHub where you can report bugs and contribute fixes and features:
Nextcloud customers should file bugs directly with our Customer Support.
The Assistant admin settings can be found under the “Artificial intelligence” section. You can disable the assistant top menu entry there. You can also disable the AI-related smart pickers. The occ commands to change the options are listed below.
Assistant configuration
Top-right Assistant
occ config:app:set assistant assistant_enabled --value=1 --type=string
To enable/disable the assistant button from the top-right corner for all the users.
AI text generation smart picker
occ config:app:set assistant free_prompt_picker_enabled --value=1 --type=string
To enable/disable the AI text generation smart picker for all the users.
Text-to-image smart picker
occ config:app:set assistant text_to_image_picker_enabled --value=1 --type=string
To enable/disable the text-to-image smart picker for all the users.
Speech-to-text smart picker
occ config:app:set assistant speech_to_text_picker_enabled --value=1 --type=string
To enable/disable the speech-to-text smart picker for all the users.
Task processing
List Tasks
occ taskprocessing:task:list
lists all task processing tasks.
Get Task
occ taskprocessing:task:get $TASK_ID
shows all information for a specific task.
Enable or disable a Task type
occ taskprocessing:task-type:set-enabled $TASK_TYPE_ID 1
Set 1 to enable and 0 to disable an implemented task type.
Get Task statistics
occ taskprocessing:task:stats
shows statistics for all task processing Tasks.
Image storage
Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed.
occ config:app:set assistant max_image_generation_idle_time --value=90 --type=integer
Chat with AI
Chat User Instructions for Chat Completions
occ config:app:set assistant chat_user_instructions --value="hello world"
The user instructions that are prepended before the chat messages for the AI model to understand the context of the block of text. This is a good place not only to instruct the AI model to be polite and kind but also to for example answer all the queries in a particular language or better yet, follow the user’s language. The sky is the limit.
Note: The default instructions are optimized to work well across a variety of language models, but may not be optimal for the specific model you choose. Specifically, the model may be tempted to mention the user’s name a bit too often and may mention the user’s language in an unusual manner.
Chat User Instructions for Title Generation
occ config:app:set assistant chat_user_instructions_title --value="hello title"
This field is appended to the block of chat messages, i.e. attached after the messages. It is done this way to allow it to be used even with text completion models which could have the instructions as “The title for the above conversation could be "”.
Last N messages to consider for chat completions
occ config:app:set assistant chat_last_n_messages --value=10
The number of latest messages to consider for generating the next message. This does not include the user instructions, which is always considered in addition to this. This value should be adjusted in case you are hitting the token limit in your conversations too often. The AI text generation provider should ideally handle the max token limit case.
Improve AI task pickup speed
See the relevant section in AI Overview for more information.