Declarative settings

Added in version 29.0.0.

With Nextcloud 29 there is a new way to define app settings in a declarative way. This means that you can just register your settings schema without writing a custom settings handling front-end and back-end code (except when more complex settings logic or design is required).

Registering settings schema

There are two ways to register a declarative settings schema:

  1. Class-based using OCP\Settings\IDeclarativeSettingsForm interface

  2. By using an event listener for the OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent

Additionally, you can register multiple declarative parameter schemes per application.


Form fields ids (configkeys) must be unique within an app.

Class-based schema registration

To register a declarative settings schema using a class, you need to create a class that implements the OCP\Settings\IDeclarativeSettingsForm interface:



namespace OCA\MyApp\DeclarativeSettings;

use OCP\Settings\DeclarativeSettingsTypes;
use OCP\Settings\IDeclarativeSettingsForm;

class MyDeclarativeSettingsForm implements IDeclarativeSettingsForm {
    public function getSchema(): array {
        return [
            'id' => 'my_declarative_settings_form', // unique form id
            'priority' => 10, // declarative section priority (ordering)
            'section_type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::SECTION_TYPE_ADMIN, // admin, personal
            'section_id' => 'my_section_id', // existing section id or your custom section id
            'storage_type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::STORAGE_TYPE_INTERNAL, // external, internal (handled by core to store in appconfig and preferences)
            'title' => 'MyApp settings title', // NcSettingsSection name
            'description' => 'My app settings section description', // NcSettingsSection description
            'doc_url' => '', // NcSettingsSection doc_url for documentation or help page, empty string if not needed
            'fields' => [
                    'id' => 'my_field_key', // configkey
                    'title' => 'Field title', // name or label
                    'description' => 'Additional setting hint or description', // hint
                    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::MULTI_SELECT,
                    'options' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
                    'placeholder' => 'Select some multiple options', // input placeholder
                    'default' => ['foo', 'bar'],

The OCP\Settings\IDeclarativeSettingsForm interface has only one method getSchema that should return an array with the settings schema.

After that, you can register schema class using IRegistrationContext->registerDeclarativeSettings method:



namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;
use OCA\MyApp\DeclarativeSettings\MyDeclarativeSettingsForm;

class Application extends App {
    public function __construct(array $urlParams = []) {
        parent::__construct('my_app', $urlParams);

    public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {

Event-based schema registration

To register a declarative settings schema using an event system you need to implement event listener for OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent:



namespace OCA\MyApp\Listener;

use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
use OCP\Settings\DeclarativeSettingsTypes;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent;

class RegisterDeclarativeSettingsListener implements IEventListener {

    public function __construct() {

    public function handle(Event $event): void {
        if (!($event instanceof DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent)) {

        $event->registerSchema('my_app', [
            // your declarative settings schema here

And register the event listener as usually in your AppInfo/Application.php registration context:



namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent;
use OCA\MyApp\Listener\RegisterDeclarativeSettingsListener;

class Application extends App {
    public function __construct(array $urlParams = []) {
        parent::__construct('my_app', $urlParams);

    public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {
        $context->registerEventListener(DeclarativeSettingsRegisterFormEvent::class, RegisterDeclarativeSettingsListener::class);

Handling settings storage

There are two types of schema storage_type supported:

1. internal OCP\Settings\DeclarativeSettingsTypes::STORAGE_TYPE_INTERNAL - settings values changes handled by core 1. external OCP\Settings\DeclarativeSettingsTypes::STORAGE_TYPE_EXTERNAL - settings values changes handled by your app handlers (event listeners).

Internal storage type

Internal (storage_type='internal') storage type is handled by core, you don’t have to implement additional handlers for that.

Section type admin

For declarative settings schema with section_type set to DeclarativeSettingsTypes::SECTION_TYPE_ADMIN - settings values are stored in appconfig table.

Accessible via OCP\IConfig->getAppValue interface.

Section type personal

For declarative settings schema with section_type set to DeclarativeSettingsTypes::SECTION_TYPE_PERSONAL - settings values are user specific and stored in preferences table.

Accessible via OCP\IConfig->getUserValue interface.

External storage type

Handling of an external (storage_type='external') storage type is always done via listening to the following events:

  1. OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent - to return the declarative setting value from your storage

  2. OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent - to save the declarative setting value where you want to

Example of DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent event listener:



namespace OCA\MyApp\Listener;

use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent;

class GetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener implements IEventListener {

    public function __construct(private IConfig $config) {

    public function handle(Event $event): void {
        if (!$event instanceof DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent) {

        // Always check if the event is related to your app declarative settings
        if ($event->getApp() !== 'my_app') {

        $value = $this->config->getUserValue($event->getUser()->getUID(), $event->getApp(), $event->getFieldId());

Example of DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent event listener:



namespace OCA\MyApp\Listener;

use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent;

class SetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener implements IEventListener {

    public function __construct(private IConfig $config) {

    public function handle(Event $event): void {
        if (!$event instanceof DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent) {

        // Always check if the event is related to your app declarative settings
        if ($event->getApp() !== 'my_app') {

        $this->config->setUserValue($event->getUser()->getUID(), $event->getApp(), $event->getFieldId(), $event->getValue());

Register get/set listeners



namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;

use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent;
use OCP\Settings\Events\DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent;
use OCA\MyApp\Listener\GetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener;
use OCA\MyApp\Listener\SetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener;

class Application extends App {
    public function __construct(array $urlParams = []) {
        parent::__construct('my_app', $urlParams);

    public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {
        $context->registerEventListener(DeclarativeSettingsGetValueEvent::class, GetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener::class);
        $context->registerEventListener(DeclarativeSettingsSetValueEvent::class, SetDeclarativeSettingsValueListener::class);

Schema field types

Supported field types are declared in OCP\Settings\DeclarativeSettingsTypes class:

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::TEXT - input type text

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::PASSWORD- input type password

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::EMAIL - input type email

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::TEL - input type tel

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::URL - input type url

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::NUMBER - input type number

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::CHECKBOX - input type checkbox

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::MULTI_CHECKBOX - multiple checkboxes representing one setting with multiple options

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::RADIO - input type radio for setting with single option

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::SELECT - input type select for setting with single option

  • DeclarativeSettingsTypes::MULTI_SELECT - input type select for setting with multiple options

The examples of each field type are listed below.


Field order is the same as in the schema array.

Basic input types

For text, password, email, tel, url, number schema is similar:

Declarative settings input fields (text, password, email, tel, url, number)
    'id' => 'my_field_unique_id', // configkey
    'title' => 'Default text field', // label
    'description' => 'Set some simple text setting', // hint
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::TEXT, // text, password, email, tel, url, number
    'placeholder' => 'Enter text setting', // placeholder
    'default' => 'foo',

Checkbox and Multi-checkbox

checkbox and multi-checkbox field types
    'id' => 'my_checkbox_field',
    'title' => 'Toggle something',
    'description' => 'Select checkbox option setting',
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::CHECKBOX, // checkbox, multiple-checkbox
    'label' => 'Verify something if enabled',
    'default' => false,
    'id' => 'my_multicheckbox_field',
    'title' => 'Multiple checkbox toggles, describing one setting, checked options are saved as an JSON object {foo: true, bar: false}',
    'description' => 'Select checkbox option setting',
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::MULTI_CHECKBOX, // checkbox, multi-checkbox
    'default' => ['foo' => true, 'bar' => true, 'baz' => true],
    'options' => [
            'name' => 'Foo',
            'value' => 'foo', // multiple-checkbox configkey
            'name' => 'Bar',
            'value' => 'bar',
            'name' => 'Baz',
            'value' => 'baz',
            'name' => 'Qux',
            'value' => 'qux',


radio field type
    'id' => 'my_radio_field',
    'title' => 'Radio toggles, describing one setting like single select',
    'description' => 'Select radio option setting',
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::RADIO, // radio (NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type radio)
    'label' => 'Select single toggle',
    'default' => 'foo',
    'options' => [
            'name' => 'First radio', // NcCheckboxRadioSwitch display name
            'value' => 'foo' // NcCheckboxRadioSwitch value
            'name' => 'Second radio',
            'value' => 'bar'
            'name' => 'Third radio',
            'value' => 'baz'

Select and Multi-select

select field type
    'id' => 'my_select_field',
    'title' => 'Selection',
    'description' => 'Select some option setting',
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::SELECT, // select, radio, multi-select
    'options' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
    'placeholder' => 'Select some option setting',
    'default' => 'foo',
multi-select field type
    'id' => 'my_multi_select_field', // configkey
    'title' => 'Multi-selection', // name or label
    'description' => 'Select some option setting', // hint
    'type' => DeclarativeSettingsTypes::MULTI_SELECT, // select, radio, multi-select
    'options' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], // simple options for select, radio, multi-select
    'placeholder' => 'Select some multiple options', // input placeholder
    'default' => ['foo', 'bar'],