Managing Deploy Daemons


There are a few OCC CLI commands to manage Deploy Daemons:

  1. Register occ app_api:daemon:register

  2. Unregister occ app_api:daemon:unregister

  3. List registered daemons occ app_api:daemon:list


Register Deploy Daemon (DaemonConfig).

Command: app_api:daemon:register [--net NET] [--haproxy_password HAPROXY_PASSWORD] [--compute_device COMPUTE_DEVICE] [--set-default] [--] <name> <display-name> <accepts-deploy-id> <protocol> <host> <nextcloud_url>


  • name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)

  • display-name - name of the daemon (e.g. My Local Docker, will be displayed in the UI)

  • accepts-deploy-id - type of deployment (docker-install or manual-install)

  • host - path to docker-socket or the Docker Socket Proxy: address:port

  • protocol - protocol used to communicate with the Daemon/ExApps (http or https)

  • nextcloud_url - Nextcloud URL, Daemon config required option (e.g. https://nextcloud.local)


  • --net [network-name] - [required] network name to bind docker container to (default: host)

  • --haproxy_password HAPROXY_PASSWORD - [optional] password for AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy

  • --compute_device GPU - [optional] GPU device to expose to the daemon (e.g. cpu|cuda|rocm, default: cpu)

  • --set-default - [optional] set created daemon as default for ExApps installation


DeployConfig is a set of additional options in Daemon config, which are used in deployment algorithms to configure ExApp container.

        "net": "host",
        "nextcloud_url": "https://nextcloud.local",
        "haproxy_password": "some_secure_password",
        "computeDevice": {
                "id": "cuda",
                "name": "CUDA (NVIDIA)",

DeployConfig options

  • net [required] - network name to bind docker container to (default: host)

  • nextcloud_url [required] - Nextcloud URL (e.g. https://nextcloud.local)

  • haproxy_password [optional] - password for AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy

  • computeDevice [optional] - Compute device to attach to the daemon (e.g. { "id": "cuda", "label": "CUDA (NVIDIA)" })


Unregister Deploy Daemon (DaemonConfig).

Command: app_api:daemon:unregister <daemon-config-name>

List registered daemons

List registered Deploy Daemons (DaemonConfigs).

Command: app_api:daemon:list

Nextcloud AIO

In the case of AppAPI installed in AIO, a default Deploy Daemon is registered automatically. It is possible to register additional Deploy Daemons using the same methods as described above.

Additional options

There is a possibility to add additional options to the Deploy Daemon configuration, which are key-value pairs.

Currently, the following options are available:

  • OVERRIDE_APP_HOST - can be used to override the host that will be used for ExApp binding (not passed to ExApp container envs)