Managing ExApps

Managing ExApps can be done from App Management UI as with other Nextcloud Apps, but you can also use the AppAPI commands in the OCC CLI tool.

There are several commands to work with ExApps:

  1. Register

  2. Unregister

  3. Update

  4. Enable

  5. Disable

  6. List ExApps


Command: app_api:app:register [--force-scopes] [--info-xml INFO-XML] [--json-info JSON-INFO] [--wait-finish] [--silent] [--test-deploy-mode] [--env [ENV]] [--mount [MOUNT]] [--] <appid> [<daemon-config-name>]

The register command is the first ExApp installation step.


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)

  • daemon-config-name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)


  • --json-info JSON-INFO [optional] - ExApp deploy JSON info (json string)

  • --info-xml INFO-XML [optional] - path to info.xml file (url or local absolute path)

  • --wait-finish [optional] - wait until initialization finished

  • --silent [optional] - do not print to console

  • --test-deploy-mode [optional] - test deploy mode with additional status checks and slightly different logic

Advanced Deploy Options

  • --env [optional] - environment (ENV_NAME=ENV_VALUE), passed to ExApp container as environment variables (multiple values allowed)

  • --mount [optional] - mount options (SRC_PATH=DST_PATH), passed to ExApp container as volume mounts (multiple values allowed)


Command: app_api:app:unregister [--rm-data] [--force] [--silent] [--] <appid>

To remove an ExApp, you can use the unregister command. By default, this command does not delete the ExApp’s persistent storage (data volume) to avoid accidental removal of any user data.


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)


  • --rm-data [optional] - remove ExApp persistent storage (data volume)
    • --force [optional] - continue removal even if some error occurs

    • --silent [optional] - print a minimum of information, display only some errors, if any


Command: app_api:app:update [--info-xml INFO-XML] [--force-update] [-e|--enabled] [--] <appid>

ExApp will be updated if there is a new version available.


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)


  • --info-xml INFO-XML [optional] - path to info.xml file (url or local absolute path)

  • -e|--enabled [optional] - enable ExApp after update


Command: app_api:app:enable <appid>


Command: app_api:app:disable <appid>

List ExApps

Command: app_api:app:list

ListExApps command will show all ExApps:

appid (Display Name): version [enabled/disabled]
to_gif_example (To Gif Example): 1.0.0 [enabled]
upscaler_example (Upscaler Example): 1.0.0 [enabled]