System requirements


For best performance, stability and functionality we have documented some recommendations for running a Nextcloud server.


If you plan a setup for your organization and you rely on professional deployment consulting (e.g. efficient and reliable scaling) and support, we strongly recommend you to check out our enterprise support.



Operating System (64-bit)

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (recommended)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (recommended)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  • Debian 12 (Bookworm)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

  • openSUSE Leap 15.5

  • CentOS Stream

  • Alpine Linux


  • MySQL 8.0 / 8.4 or MariaDB 10.6/ 10.11 (recommended) / 11.4

  • Oracle Database 11g, 18, 21, 23 (only as part of an enterprise subscription)

  • PostgreSQL 13/14/15/16/17

  • SQLite 3.24+ (only recommended for testing and minimal-instances)


  • Apache 2.4 with mod_php or php-fpm (recommended)

  • nginx with php-fpm

PHP Runtime

  • 8.1 (deprecated)

  • 8.2

  • 8.3 (recommended)

  • 8.4

See Installation on Linux for minimum PHP-modules and additional software for installing Nextcloud.

CPU Architecture and OS

A 64-bit CPU, OS and PHP is required for Nextcloud to run well.

32-bit systems are supported, with the following known limitations:

  • Dates before Unix Epoch (1970-01-01) are not supported

  • Dates after 2038 are not supported


Memory requirements for running a Nextcloud server are greatly variable, depending on the numbers of users, apps, files and volume of server activity.

Nextcloud needs a minimum of 128MB RAM per process, and we recommend a minimum of 512MB RAM per process.

In low memory environments, some features or apps may require adjustments to their default settings in order to function (or, in some cases, may need to be disabled outright).


To use the built-in Updater, at least 256MB is required.

Database requirements for MySQL / MariaDB

The following is currently required if you’re running Nextcloud together with a MySQL / MariaDB database:

Why we drop old PHP versions

Every year, a new PHP version is added and old PHP versions are deprecated. This also affects our documented recommended PHP version.

We try to support old PHP versions for as long as reasonably possible. However the list of security, performance, and bug fixes will only increase, some of those fixes might be considered critical and thus at some point the deprecation will be inevitable.

Thus it is recommended to keep your PHP version up to date.

Advantages of upgrading PHP

  • Security

    PHP deprecates security fixes of old versions. Nextcloud cannot implement security fixes that come with new PHP versions as long as we support deprecated PHP versions, since the syntax that we are allowed to use must be the lowest one of the supported versions, thus the upstream packages of third parties break because they dropped this support.

  • Performance

    The language continuously improves over time which makes it possible to do more requests in significantly less time.

Long term support

If you are running Nextcloud for an organisation-critical use case, you could consider upgrading your subscription to a premium subscription which comes with 5 years of long term support. This means you continue to receive maintenance releases for high and critical security issues, data loss fixes, and regressions within version over this extended period of time.

Desktop client

We strongly recommend using the latest version of your operating system to get the full and most stable experience out of our clients.

  • Windows 10+

  • macOS Lion (10.14)+ (64-bits only) * Please note that your server may need to be Apple App Transport Security compliant in order for the desktop client to connect successfully. This may involve using a digital certificate that is adequately signed to the standards established by Apple. More information is provided by Apple in their developer documentation:

  • Linux (64-bits only) Should run on any distribution newer than Ubuntu 18.04 with our official AppImage package

Mobile apps

We strongly recommend using the latest version of your mobile operating system to get the full and most stable experience out of our mobile apps.

Files App

  • iOS 15.0+

  • Android 7.0+

Talk App

  • iOS 15.0+

  • Android 8.0+

  • Nextcloud Server 19.0+

  • Nextcloud Talk 9.0+

Web browser

For the best experience with the Nextcloud web interface, we recommend that you use the latest and supported version of a browser from this list, or one based on those:

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome/Chromium

  • Apple Safari


If you want to use Nextcloud Talk you should use Mozilla Firefox 52+ or Google Chrome/Chromium 49+ to have the full experience with video calls and screensharing. Google Chrome/Chromium requires an additional plugin for screensharing.