Upgrade to Nextcloud 28



Make sure your appinfo/info.xml allows for Nextcloud 28.

    <nextcloud min-version="26" max-version="28" />

Front-end changes

Added APIs

Changed APIs

  • tbd

Deprecated APIs

  • The CSS variables --color-text-light and --color-text-lighter were made aliases of --color-main-text and --color-text-maxcontrast in Nextcloud 20 and are now officially deprecated and will be removed in the near future.

Removed APIs

  • OC.loadScript and OC.loadStyle: Use OCP.Loader instead.

  • OC.appSettings: There is no replacement.

  • OCA.Files: Everything removed but Sidebar and Settings. See the Added API section for replacements.

Back-end changes

PHP 8.3

In this release support for PHP 8.3 was added. Follow the steps below to make your app compatible.

  1. If appinfo/info.xml has a dependency specification for PHP, increase the max-version to 8.3.

  <php min-version="8.0" max-version="8.3" />
  <nextcloud min-version="26" max-version="28" />
  1. If your app has a composer.json and the file contains the PHP restrictions from info.xml, adjust it as well.

  "require": {
    "php": ">=8.0 <=8.3"
  1. If you have continuous integration set up, extend your test matrix with PHP 8.3 tests and linters.

Information about code changes can be found on php.net and stitcher.io.

Development dependency hell

Due to the popularity of CLI tools for development of Nextcloud apps, the likelihood of package conflicts has increased. It’s highly recommended to see Development tools and migrate to composer bin directories.

Updated core libraries

If apps use only official public APIs of Nextcloud, the update of core libraries should have little to no effect on apps. However, there are some edge cases where an app still has a code dependency to a library shipped with Nextcloud, e.g. when those 3rdparty classes or functions are used, and therefore app developers are recommended to check their code for any incompatibility. Moreover it’s recommended to check compatibility with sophisticated tools, as documented at the static analysis section.


The Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer powers Nextcloud’s database connection and query builder. In Nextcloud 28, this dependency was updated from 3.3 to 3.7.

Optimistically speaking, the database connection and the query builder should mostly work like in Nextcloud 27 or older. Some (minor) breaking changes were inevitable. Here’s the summary:

  • When a query builder instance is using positional parameters ->setValue('name', '?') setParameter(0, $name), all parameters need to be set again when executing the query multiple times, e.g. in a loop. It is recommended to switch to named parameters using createParameter() instead.

The details of this change can also be seen in the pull request on GitHub and in the upstream documentation dbal 3.7.x upgrade document.


Over the last 2 major versions the symfony/event-dispatcher package first deprecated and then removed the way Nextcloud server dispatched old events. This means the way we wrapped away symfony’s \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface as well as using the \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent could not be kept alive in a backwards compatible way.

Therefore migrating from \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface to \OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher (exists since Nextcloud 17) is required to be compatible with Nextcloud 28. All code places that dispatched a \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent have been adjusted and have \OCP\EventDispatcher\Event based dedicated event now that is dispatched as a typed-event so all available parameters are documented.

The details of this change can also be seen in the todo items that are linked from the pull request on GitHub.

Added APIs

  • \OCP\AppFramework\Http\EmptyContentSecurityPolicy::useStrictDynamicOnScripts to set ‘strict-dynamic’ on the ‘script-src-elem’ CSP, this is set by default to true to allow apps using module JS to import dependencies.

  • \OCP\Mail\IMessage::setSubject to set an email subject. See Email for an example.

  • \OCP\Mail\IMessage::setHtmlBody and \OCP\Mail\IMessage::setPlainBody to set an email body See Email for an example.

  • \OCP\IEventSourceFactory to create a OCP\IEventSource instance.

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent::getCrop

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent::getHeight

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent::getMode

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent::getWidth

  • \OCP\IPhoneNumberUtil::convertToStandardFormat to convert input into an E164 formatted phone number. See Phone number util for an example.

  • \OCP\IPhoneNumberUtil::getCountryCodeForRegion to get the E164 country code for a given region. See Phone number util for an example.

  • \OCP\AppFramework\Http\EmptyContentSecurityPolicy::allowEvalWasm(bool): sets wasm-unsafe-eval in script-src of the Content Security Policy to allow compilation and execution of WebAssembly on the page

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataBackgroundEvent::getNode

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataBackgroundEvent::getMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataLiveEvent::getNode

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataLiveEvent::getMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataLiveEvent::requestBackgroundJob

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::refreshMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::getMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::saveMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::deleteMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::getMetadataQuery

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::getKnownMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IFilesMetadataManager::initMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataQuery::retrieveMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataQuery::extractMetadata

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataQuery::joinIndex

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataQuery::getMetadataKeyField

  • \OCP\FilesMetadata\IMetadataQuery::getMetadataValueField

    • wasm-unsafe-eval is supported by most browsers

    • WebAssembly compilation and execution in worker threads is not affected by this directive (browsers allow compilation and execution of WebAssembly in worker threads by default)

    • OCP\Authentication\Token\IProvider::getToken to get a token by its token string id

    • OCP\Authentication\Token\IToken public interface for tokens returned by the function above. Please use those instead of things from OC namespace.

    • OCP\User\Backend\IProvideEnabledStateBackend for user backends that wants to alter disabled state of users (used by user_ldap to mark remnants as disabled if the option is enabled).

Changed APIs

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent now accepts: width, height, crop and mode as optional constructor arguments.

  • Interface \OCP\Files\Folder got a new method: searchBySystemTag(string $tagName, string $userId, int $limit = 0, int $offset = 0).

  • OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::getTagsByIds() now optionally accepts IUser as second parameter, to only retrieve system tags visible to that user.

Deprecated APIs

  • \OCP\DB\IResult::fetch: use the new fetchAssociative, fetchNumeric and fetchOne instead. If you called fetch without arguments, fetchAssociative is the direct replacement. Beware that the new methods throw a different exception.

  • \OCP\DB\IResult::fetchAll: use the new fetchAllAssociative, fetchAllNumeric and fetchOne instead. If you called fetchAll without arguments, fetchAllAssociative is the direct replacement. Beware that the new methods throw a different exception.

  • \OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent passing null for width, height, crop or mode is deprecated. Starting with Nextcloud 31 they are mandatory.

Removed APIs

  • \OC_App::getAppVersion: inject \OCP\App\IAppManager and call \OCP\App\IAppManager::getAppVersion.

  • \OC_App::getAppInfo: inject \OCP\App\IAppManager and call \OCP\App\IAppManager::getAppInfo.

  • \OC_App::getNavigation: inject \OCP\App\IAppManager and call \OCP\App\IAppManager::getAll.

  • \OC_App::getSettingsNavigation: inject \OCP\App\IAppManager and call \OCP\App\IAppManager::getAll('settings').

  • \OC_App::isEnabled: inject \OCP\App\IAppManager and call \OCP\App\IAppManager::isEnabledForUser.

  • \OC_Defaults::getLogoClaim: there is no replacement.

  • \OCP\Util::linkToPublic: there is no replacement.

  • \OC_Defaults::getLogoClaim: There is no replacement.

  • \OC::$server->createEventSource() has been removed, use \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\IEventSourceFactory::class)->create() instead.

  • \OCP\Util::writeLog has been removed, use \OCP\Server::get(LoggerInterface::class)->… instead.

The factory \OCP\IEventSourceFactory works only from Nextcloud 28. For older versions use \OC::$server->createEventSource().

If you want to support Nextcloud 27 and Nextcloud 28:

// @TODO: Remove method_exists when min-version="28"
if (method_exists(\OC::$server, 'createEventSource')) {
    $eventSource = \OC::$server->createEventSource();
} else {
    $eventSource = \OCP\Server::get(IEventSourceFactory::class)->create();

Added events

  • Typed event OCA\DAV\Events\SabrePluginAddEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Accounts\UserUpdatedEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengeFailed was added

  • Typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengePassed was added

  • Typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserRegistered was added

  • Typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserUnregistered was added

  • Typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderUserDeleted was added

  • Typed event OCP\Comments\CommentsEntityEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingColumnsEvent to add missing indices to the database schema.

  • Typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingIndicesEvent to add missing indices to the database schema.

  • Typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent to add missing indices to the database schema.

  • Typed event OCP\Files\Events\NodeAddedToFavorite was added

  • Typed event OCP\Files\Events\NodeRemovedFromFavorite was added

  • Typed event OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataBackgroundEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\FilesMetadata\Event\MetadataLiveEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Share\Events\BeforeShareCreatedEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Share\Events\BeforeShareDeletedEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareAcceptedEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareDeletedFromSelfEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\SystemTag\SystemTagsEntityEvent was added

  • Typed event OCP\User\Events\UserFirstTimeLoggedInEvent was added

Deprecated events

  • OC\Console\Application::run was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Console\ConsoleEvent instead

  • OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre::addPlugin was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCA\DAV\Events\SabrePluginAddEvent instead

  • OCA\Files_Trashbin::moveToTrash was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCA\Files_Trashbin\Events\MoveToTrashEvent instead

  • OCA\Files_Trashbin::moveToTrash was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCA\Files_Trashbin\Events\MoveToTrashEvent instead

  • OCP\Console\ConsoleEvent::EVENT_RUN was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Console\ConsoleEvent instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\RegistryEvent was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserRegistered and OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserUnregistered instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IRegistry::enable was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserRegistered instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IRegistry::disable was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserUnregistered instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderDisabled was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderUserDeleted instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserDisabled was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengeFailed instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderForUserEnabled was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengePassed instead

  • OCP\Comments\CommentsEntityEvent::EVENT_ENTITY was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Comments\CommentsEntityEvent instead

  • OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::registerEntity was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\Comments\CommentsEntityEvent instead

  • OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::registerEntity was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\SystemTag\SystemTagsEntityEvent instead

  • OCP\SystemTag\SystemTagsEntityEvent::EVENT_ENTITY was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\SystemTag\SystemTagsEntityEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::firstLogin was deprecated. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\UserFirstTimeLoggedInEvent instead

Removed events

  • OC\AccountManager::userUpdated was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Accounts\UserUpdatedEvent instead

  • OCA\Files::loadAdditionalScripts was removed. Listen to the typed event OCA\Files\Event\LoadAdditionalScriptsEvent instead

  • OCA\Files\Service\TagService::addFavorite was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Files\Events\NodeAddedToFavorite instead

  • OCA\Files\Service\TagService::removeFavorite was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Files\Events\NodeRemovedFromFavorite instead

  • OCA\Files_Sharing::loadAdditionalScripts was removed. Listen to the typed event OCA\Files_Sharing\Event\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent instead

  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS (deprecated since 20) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\AppFramework\Http\Events\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent instead

  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS_LOGGEDIN (deprecated since 20) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\AppFramework\Http\Events\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent instead

  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::loadAdditionalScripts (deprecated since 20) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\AppFramework\Http\Events\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent instead

  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::loadAdditionalScriptsLoggedIn (deprecated since 20) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\AppFramework\Http\Events\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider::EVENT_SUCCESS (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengePassed instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider::EVENT_FAILED (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengeFailed instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider::failed (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengeFailed instead

  • OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider::success (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorProviderChallengePassed instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingColumnsEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::ADD_MISSING_INDEXES (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingIndicesEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::ADD_MISSING_PRIMARY_KEYS (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingColumnsEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS_EVENT (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingColumnsEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingIndicesEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingIndicesEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_PRIMARY_KEYS (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent instead

  • OCP\IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_PRIMARY_KEYS_EVENT (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::postAddUser was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\UserAddedEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::postDelete was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\GroupDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::postRemoveUser was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\UserRemovedEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::preAddUser was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\BeforeUserAddedEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::preDelete was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\BeforeGroupDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\IGroup::preRemoveUser was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Group\Events\BeforeUserRemovedEvent instead

  • OCP\IPreview::EVENT (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent instead

  • OCP\IPreview:PreviewRequested (deprecated since 22) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Preview\BeforePreviewFetchedEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::changeUser was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\UserChangedEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::postDelete (deprecated since 17) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\UserDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::postSetPassword was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\PasswordUpdatedEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::preDelete (deprecated since 17) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\BeforeUserDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\IUser::preSetPassword was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\User\Events\BeforePasswordUpdatedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::preShare was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\BeforeShareCreatedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::preUnshare was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\BeforeShareDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::postAcceptShare was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareAcceptedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::postShare was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareCreatedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::postUnshare was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareDeletedEvent instead

  • OCP\Share::postUnshareFromSelf was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Share\Events\ShareDeletedFromSelfEvent instead

  • OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerChecks (deprecated since 17) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\WorkflowEngine\Events\RegisterChecksEvent instead

  • OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerEntities (deprecated since 17) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\WorkflowEngine\Events\RegisterEntitiesEvent instead

  • OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerOperations (deprecated since 17) was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\WorkflowEngine\Events\RegisterOperationsEvent instead

  • \OCP\Collaboration\Resources::loadAdditionalScripts was removed. Listen to the typed event OCP\Collaboration\Resources\LoadAdditionalScriptsEvent instead

Removed WebDAV properties

  • <nc:file-metadata-size>

  • <nc:file-metadata-gps>