Upgrade to Nextcloud 31


  • TBD

Front-end changes

Logical position CSS rules

With Nextcloud 31 all server provided styles are migrated to use logical positioning instead of physical, this allows the front-end layout to adjust to different language directions (right-to-left). App developers are strongly encouraged to migrate their apps to logical positioning too.

Examples for logical vs physical positioning:

  • margin-inline-start: 4px; instead of margin-left: 4px;

  • inset-inline-end: 8px; instead of right: 8px

Files and Files sharing

With Nextcloud 28 the Files app front-end was migrated to Vue and the private API ( OCA.Files ) was removed, but for public shares the legacy frontend-end was still used. With Nextcloud 31 public shares also use the new Vue front-end. This means accessing the legacy private API in OCA.Files is no longer possible, all existing apps should migrate to the public API.

To make migration easier utility functions are provided in the @nextcloud/sharing package to check whether the current Files app instance is a public share or not, and if so to fetch the share token.

import { isPublicShare, getSharingToken } from '@nextcloud/sharing/public'

if (isPublicShare()) {
    console.info('This is a public share with the sharing token: ', getSharingToken())

Added APIs

  • TBD

Changed APIs

  • TBD

Deprecated APIs

  • TBD

Removed APIs

  • OCA.FilesSharingDrop removed as part of the Vue migration. Use the Files app API provided by the package .

Back-end changes

Added APIs

  • It is now possible to download folders as zip or tar archives using the WebDAV backend using GET requests. See the relevant endpoint documentation.

  • OCP\SetupCheck\CheckServerResponseTrait was added to ease implementing custom setup checks which need to check HTTP calls to the the server itself.

Changed APIs

  • Clarify OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage::getOwner() returns string|false.

  • The Nextcloud implementation of the log method of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface now supports Psr\Log\LogLevel as log level parameter.

Deprecated APIs

  • The /s/{token}/download endpoint for downloading public shares is deprecated. Instead use the Nextcloud provided WebDAV endpoint.

Removed APIs

  • Legacy, non functional, OC_App::getForms was removed.

  • The private and legacy OC_Files class was removed. Instead use OCP\AppFramework\Http\StreamResponse or OCP\AppFramework\Http\ZipResponse.

  • The private and legacy Ajax endpoint for downloading file archives (/apps/files/ajax/download.php) was removed. Instead use the Nextcloud provided WebDAV endpoint.

  • All OCP\ILogger logging methods, deprecated since Nextcloud 20, are removed.
    • The interface now only holds the Nextcloud internal logging level constants. For all logging Psr\Log\LoggerInterface should be used.

    • The OCP\ILogger interface can no longer be dependency injected as it now only holds constants.

    • OCP\IServerContainer::getLogger was removed, use dependency injection with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface instead.

  • The internal class OC\AppFramework\Logger was removed, it should have been never used by apps. All using apps should migrate to Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.