Upgrade to Nextcloud 31


  • TBD

Front-end changes

User-, guest-, and public-template layout

The main layout for all apps (the user, guest and public template) has been changed, the main content is no longer rendered within a <main> element with the class content but in a div element with the class content. The reason for this is to allow writing Vue 3 based apps which would incorrectly render two stacked main-elements otherwise.

For Vue 2 apps this does not change anything. But if you just use vanilla templates or other frameworks this changes the page layout and might require adjustments. We recommend you to wrap your content in a custom main-element if you use non or not Vue as the framework.

Logical position CSS rules

With Nextcloud 31 all server provided styles are migrated to use logical positioning instead of physical, this allows the front-end layout to adjust to different language directions (right-to-left). App developers are strongly encouraged to migrate their apps to logical positioning too.

Examples for logical vs physical positioning:

  • margin-inline-start: 4px; instead of margin-left: 4px;

  • inset-inline-end: 8px; instead of right: 8px

Files and Files sharing

With Nextcloud 28 the Files app front-end was migrated to Vue and the private API ( OCA.Files ) was removed, but for public shares the legacy frontend-end was still used. With Nextcloud 31 public shares also use the new Vue front-end. This means accessing the legacy private API in OCA.Files is no longer possible, all existing apps should migrate to the public API.

To make migration easier utility functions are provided in the @nextcloud/sharing package to check whether the current Files app instance is a public share or not, and if so to fetch the share token.

import { isPublicShare, getSharingToken } from '@nextcloud/sharing/public'

if (isPublicShare()) {
    console.info('This is a public share with the sharing token: ', getSharingToken())

Added APIs

  • If an app supports file conversion, it may now register an \OCP\Files\Conversion\ConversionProvider which will be called automatically based on the supported MIME types. An app may register as many of these as needed.

Changed APIs

  • TBD

Deprecated APIs

  • TBD

Removed APIs

  • OCA.FilesSharingDrop removed as part of the Vue migration. Use the Files app API provided by the package .

  • $.Event('OCA.Notification.Action') jQuery event removed from Notifications app as part of the Vue migration. Use @nextcloud/event-bus package instead.

import { subscribe, unsubscribe } from '@nextcloud/event-bus'

subscribe('notifications:action:execute', (event) => {
    console.info('Notification action has been executed:', event.notification, event.action)

Back-end changes

Support for PHP 8.4 added

In this release support for PHP 8.4 was added. Follow the steps below to make your app compatible.

1. If appinfo/info.xml has a dependency specification for PHP, increase the max-version to 8.4. However, it is recommended to always support all PHP versions that are compatible with supported Nextcloud version. In that case the php-dependencies entries can be omitted.

  <php min-version="8.1" max-version="8.4" />
  <nextcloud min-version="29" max-version="31" />
  1. If your app has a composer.json and the file contains the PHP restrictions from info.xml, adjust it as well.

  "require": {
    "php": ">=8.1 <=8.4"

3. If you have continuous integration set up, extend your test matrix with PHP 8.4 tests and linters. This happens automatically when you reuse our GitHub Workflow templates, but you can also use the underlying icewind1991/nextcloud-version-matrix Action directly.

Information about code changes can be found on php.net and stitcher.io.

Added APIs

  • It is now possible to download folders as zip or tar archives using the WebDAV backend using GET requests. See the relevant endpoint documentation.

  • OCP\SetupCheck\CheckServerResponseTrait was added to ease implementing custom setup checks which need to check HTTP calls to the the server itself.

  • Any implementation of OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint can additionally implement OCP\Files\Mount\IShareOwnerlessMount which allows everyone with share permission to edit and delete any share on the files and directories below the mountpoint.

  • OCP\Navigation\Events\LoadAdditionalEntriesEvent is dispatched when the navigation manager needs to know about its entries, apart of standard app entries that are loaded automatically. This is only relevant for apps that provide extraneous entries.

  • OCP\User\Backend\ILimitAwareCountUsersBackend was added as a replacement for ICountUsersBackend. It allows to specify a limit to the user count to avoid counting all users when the caller do not need it. You can safely ignore the limit if it does not make sense for your usecase.

Changed APIs

  • Clarify OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage::getOwner() returns string|false.

  • Added method parameter and return types to all inheritors of OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage. To migrate in a backwards compatible manner:

    1. Add all return types to your implementation now.

    2. Add all parameter types to your implementation once Nextcloud 31 is the lowest supported version.

  • The Nextcloud implementation of the log method of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface now supports Psr\Log\LogLevel as log level parameter.

  • The OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder now supports more date / time related parameter types:

    • PARAM_DATE_MUTABLE and PARAM_DATE_IMMUTABLE for passing a \DateTime (\DateTimeImmutable respectively) instance when only interested in the date part.

    • PARAM_TIME_MUTABLE and PARAM_TIME_IMMUTABLE to pass a \DateTime (\DateTimeImmutable respectively) instance when only interested in the time part.

    • PARAM_DATETIME_MUTABLE and PARAM_DATETIME_IMMUTABLE to pass a \DateTime (\DateTimeImmutable respectively) instance without handling of the timezone.

    • PARAM_DATETIME_TZ_MUTABLE and PARAM_DATETIME_TZ_IMMUTABLE to pass a \DateTime (\DateTimeImmutable respectively) instance with handling of the timezone.

  • The OCP\\DB\\Types now support more date and time related types for usage with the Entity:

    • DATE_IMMUTABLE for fields that will (de)serialized as \DateTimeImmutable instances with only the date part set.

    • TIME_IMMUTABLE for fields that will (de)serialized as \DateTimeImmutable instances with only the time part set.

    • DATETIME_IMMUTABLE for fields that will (de)serialized as \DateTimeImmutable instances with both the time part set but without timezone information.

    • DATETIME_TZ for fields that will (de)serialized as \DateTime instances with both the time part set and with timezone information.

    • DATETIME_TZ_IMMUTABLE for fields that will (de)serialized as \DateTimeImmutable instances with both the time part set and with timezone information.

Deprecated APIs

  • The /s/{token}/download endpoint for downloading public shares is deprecated. Instead use the Nextcloud provided WebDAV endpoint.

  • OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder::PARAM_DATE is deprecated in favor of PARAM_DATETIME_MUTABLE to make clear that this type also includes the time part of a date time instance.

  • OCP\User\Backend\ICountUsersBackend was deprecated. Please implement and use OCP\User\Backend\ILimitAwareCountUsersBackend instead.

Removed APIs

  • Legacy, non functional, OC_App::getForms was removed.

  • The private and legacy OC_Files class was removed. Instead use OCP\AppFramework\Http\StreamResponse or OCP\AppFramework\Http\ZipResponse.

  • The private and legacy Ajax endpoint for downloading file archives (/apps/files/ajax/download.php) was removed. Instead use the Nextcloud provided WebDAV endpoint.

  • All OCP\ILogger logging methods, deprecated since Nextcloud 20, are removed.
    • The interface now only holds the Nextcloud internal logging level constants. For all logging Psr\Log\LoggerInterface should be used.

    • The OCP\ILogger interface can no longer be dependency injected as it now only holds constants.

    • OCP\IServerContainer::getLogger was removed, use dependency injection with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface instead.

  • The internal class OC\AppFramework\Logger was removed, it should have been never used by apps. All using apps should migrate to Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.