Events Listener

This API allows you to listen to Nextcloud events.

Currently only a limited number of events are supported.

Please let us know if there are any specific event we should add support to.


Unlike PHP events, all information from events comes to the ExApp asynchronously, more like a notification system in order to not slow down the server.


OCS endpoint: POST /apps/app_api/api/v1/events_listener


    "eventType": "node_event",
    "actionHandler": "/action_handler_route"
    "eventSubtypes": [],


eventSubtypes is an optional parameter, when it is not specified all event subtypes will be propagated to ExApp.

Url in actionHandler is relative to the ExApp root, starting slash is not required.


OCS endpoint: DELETE /apps/app_api/api/v1/events_listener


To unregister EventsListener, you just need to provide an eventType for the registered EventsListener:

    "eventType": "node_event"

Event payload

    "event_type": "node_event",
    "event_subtype": "NodeCreatedEvent",
    "event_data": "associative array depending on `event_subtype`"

Events types

Node Events

node_event - events about File Nodes

Supported event sub-types:
  • NodeCreatedEvent

  • NodeTouchedEvent

  • NodeWrittenEvent

  • NodeDeletedEvent

  • NodeRenamedEvent

  • NodeCopiedEvent

For all Node events, event_data contains a target key which has the same format as in FileActionsMenu payload.

For NodeCopiedEvent and NodeRenamedEvent, there is also a source key in the same format.