OCS APIs for ExApp actions.
Get ExApps list
Get list of installed ExApps.
OCS endpoint: GET /apps/app_api/api/v1/ex-app/{list}
There are two list
: list only enabled ExAppsall
: list all ExApps
Response data
The response data is a JSON array of ExApp objects with the following attributes:
"id": "appid of the ExApp",
"name": "name of the ExApp",
"version": "version of the ExApp",
"enabled": "true/false flag",
"last_check_time": "timestamp of last successful Nextcloud->ExApp connection check",
Set ExApp init progress
Used during ExApp initialization step.
AppAPIAuth required.
OCS endpoint: PUT /apps/app_api/ex-app/status
Request data
"progress": "progress value",
"error": "optional, error string message"
Response data
Returns HTTP 200 on success, HTTP 404 on error.
Get Nextcloud URL
It might be necessary for the ExApp to know (or update) the Nextcloud URL.
OCS endpoint: GET /apps/app_api/api/v1/info/nextcloud_url
Response data
Returns the base URL of the Nextcloud instance:
"base_url": "http(s)://nextcloud.example.com"
Make Requests to ExApps
There are two endpoints for making requests to ExApps:
Synchronous request:
POST /apps/app_api/api/v1/ex-app/request/{appid}
Synchronous request with ExApp user setup:
POST /apps/app_api/api/v1/ex-app/request/{appid}/{userId}
Request data
The request data params are the same as in lib/PublicFunction.php
"route": "relative route to ExApp API endpoint",
"method": "GET/POST/PUT/DELETE",
"params": {},
"options": {},
and appId
is taken from url params
Response data
Successful request to ExApp OCS data response structure is the following:
"status_code": "HTTP status code",
"body": "response data from ExApp",
"headers": "response headers from ExApp",
If there is an error, the response object will have only an error
attribute with the error message.
Get ExApp enabled status
Return the enabled status of the authenticated ExApp.
OCS endpoint: GET /apps/app_api/api/v1/ex-app/state
This endpoint can be called by ExApp even if it is disabled on the Nextcloud side, and requires AppAPIAuth.
Response data
Returns 1 if the ExApp is enabled, 0 if it is disabled.