Geavanceerde functies voor Talk
Nextcloud Talk heeft een aantal geavanceerde functies die gebruikers handig zouden kunnen vinden.
Matterbridge integratie in Nextcloud Talk maakt het mogelijk om ‘bruggen te slaan’ tussen Talk conversaties en gesprekken op andere chat-diensten zoals MS Teams, Discord, Matrix en anderen. Je kan een lijst van ondersteunde protocols terugvinden op de github pagina van Matterbridge.
Een moderator kan een Matterbridge verbinding toevoegen in de gespreksinstellingen.

Each of the bridges has its own need in terms of configuration. Information for most is available on the Matterbridge wiki and can be accessed behind more information
menu in the ...
menu. You can also access the wiki directly.
De lobby-functie laat je toe om gasten een wachtscherm te tonen tot het gesprek van start gaat. Dit is ideaal voor dingen zoals webinars met externe deelnemers.

Je kan kiezen om deelnemers het gesprek te laten vervoegen op een specifiek moment of wanneer je de lobby manueel sluit.
Nextcloud allows users to execute actions using commands. A command typically looks like:
/wiki vliegtuigen
Beheerders kunnen opdrachten configureren, inschakelen en uitschakelen. Gebruikers kunnen de opdracht “help” gebruiken om terug te vinden welke opdrachten beschikbaar zijn.

Find more information in the administrative documentation for Talk.
Talk vanuit Files
In de Files app kan je zowel tekst- als spraakgesprekken voeren over bestanden in de zijbalk. Voor een spraakgesprek dien je eerst het tekstgesprek te vervoegen.

Vanaf dan kan je een tekst- of spraakgesprek voeren met andere deelnemers, zelfs wanneer je het bestand begint te bewerken.

In Talk zal een gesprek worden aangemaakt voor het bestand. Je kan van daaruit chatten of terug naar het bestand gaan door middel van het ...
menu rechts bovenaan.

Breakout rooms
Breakout rooms allow you to divide a Nextcloud Talk call into smaller groups for more focused discussions. The moderator of the call can create multiple breakout rooms and assign participants to each room.
Breakout rooms are currently not available in conversations that are joinable by guests (public conversations).
Configure breakout rooms
To create breakout rooms, you need to be a moderator in a group conversation. Click on the top-bar menu and click on “Setup breakout rooms”.

A dialog will open where you can specify the number of rooms you want to create and the participants assignment method. Here you’ll be presented with 3 options:
Automatically assign participants: Talk will automatically assign participants to the rooms.
Manually assign participants: You’ll go through a participants editor where you can assign participants to rooms.
Allow participants choose: Participants will be able to join breakout rooms themselves.

Manage breakout rooms
Once the breakout rooms are created, you will be able to see them in the sidebar.

From the sidebar header
Start and stop the breakout rooms: this will move all the users in the parent conversation to their respective breakout rooms.
Broadcast a message to all the rooms: this will send a message to all the rooms at the same time.
Make changes to the assigned participants: this will open the participants editor where you can change which participants are assigned to which breakout room. From this dialog it’s also possible to delete the breakout rooms.

From the breakout room element in the sidebar, you can also join a particular breakout room or send a message to a specific room.

Call recording
The recording feature provides users with an opportunity to:
Start and stop recordings during a call.
Record the video and audio stream of the speaker, as well as screen share.
Access, share and download recorded files for future reference or distribution.
Enabling this feature requires the recording server to be set up by the system administration.
Manage a recording
The moderator of the conversation can start a recording together with a call start or anytime during a call:
Before the call: tick the checkbox “Start recording immediately with the call” in “Media settings”, then click on “Start call”.
During the call: click on the top-bar menu, then click “Start recording”.

The recording will start shortly, and you will see a red indicator next to the call time. You can stop the recording at any time while the call is still ongoing by clicking on that indicator and selecting “Stop recording”, or by using the same action in the top-bar menu. If you do not manually stop the recording, it will end automatically when the call ends.

After stopping a recording, the server will take some time to prepare and save the recorded file. The moderator, who started the recording, receives a notification when the file is uploaded. From there, it can be shared in the chat.

Recording consent
For compliance reasons with various privacy rights, it is possible to ask participants for consent to be recorded before joining the call. The system administration has the flexibility to utilize this feature in several ways:
Disable consent completely.
Enable mandatory consent system-wide, requiring consent for all conversations.
Allow moderators to configure this option on a conversation level. In such cases, moderators can access the conversation settings to configure this option accordingly:

If recording consent is enabled, every participant, including moderators, will see a highlighted section in the “Media settings” before joining a call. This section informs participants that the call may be recorded. To give explicit consent for recording, participants must check the box. If they do not give consent, they will not be allowed to join the call.

Federated conversation
With Federation feature, users can create conversations across different federated Talk instances and use Talk features as if they were on a same server.
Important Under current development. Basic chat features are available, more to come in the future!
Feature is required to be set up by the system administration.
Send and accept invites
The moderator of the conversation can send an invite to participant on a different server:

When receiving a notification, user will see a counter of pending invites above the conversations list.

Upon clicking it, more information will be provided about inviting party, and user can either accept or decline the invitation.

By accepting the invite, conversation will appear in the list as any other one.