


  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of your Nextcloud instance to open the menu

    screenshot of user menu at top-right of Nextcloud Web GUI
  2. Clicking on Settings from the drop down menu opens the user preferences

    screenshot of users Personal settings page




  • 使用情況和可用配額

  • 管理您的個人資料圖片

  • 全名(您可以隨意設置,因為它與您的 Nextcloud 登錄名分開,該登錄名是獨一無二的且無法更改)

  • 電郵地址

  • 您群組會籍的列表

  • 更改您的密碼

  • Using two-factor authentication

  • 設置您的偏好

  • 選擇 Nextcloud 界面的語言

  • 桌面電腦和移動應用程式的鏈接

  • 管理您的活動信息流和通告

  • 保存新文件的默認文件夾

  • 您的 Federated sharing ID

  • 社交分享連結

  • Nextcloud 版本


Available options and settings depending on your administrator's configuration. If you are not able to change the password or the display name in your personal settings, please contact your administrator for help.

Sharing your data in the global address book

Some administrators decide to share their global address book with other Nextcloud instances (so called Trusted Servers) or even with the wider world. This is helpful when two instances want to work closely together, or when people want to use Nextcloud as a virtual telephone book for others to browse. It also allows searching for contacts, creating shares and much more.

You can change what personal data of yours is shared by setting the scope of your data. Clicking on the lock icon will open the following dropdown next to each entry:

screenshot of scope dropdown on personal information form field

If you set your data to Private, nobody but you will be able to see it.

If you set your data to Local, all logged in users within your Nextcloud instance will be able to see the information, but noone outside of it.

If you set your data to Federated, the trusted server(s) which are added by your administrator will be able to see this data, in addition to all logged in users.

If you set your data to Global, anyone can see your data. For some use cases this is wanted. Someone with a public facing role such as marketing or sales might want to share their contact with a wide variety of connections which might not be using Nextcloud.