Nextcloud Talk 擁有多個用戶可能會覺得有用的進階功能。
Matterbridge 在 Nextcloud Talk 中的整合使得可以在 Talk 對話和其他聊天服務(如 MS Teams、Discord、Matrix 等)之間建立「橋接」。您可以在 Matterbridge 的 GitHub 頁面上找到支持的協議列表 on the Matterbridge github page.
主持人可以在聊天對話設置中添加 Matterbridge 連接。
每個橋接都有其特定的配置需求。大多數信息可在 Matterbridge 維基上找到,並可通過 ...
菜單中的 更多信息
菜單訪問。您也可以直接訪問維基。 <https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki>`_
Nextcloud 允許用戶使用指令執行操作。指令通常看起來像:
/wiki airplanes
管理員可以配置、啟用和禁用指令。用戶可以使用 help
更多信息請參閱 Talk 的管理文檔。
在 Talk 中,將為該檔案創建一個對話。您可以從那裡聊天,或使用右上角的 ...
小組討論室允許您將 Nextcloud Talk 通話分成更小的組以進行更集中討論。通話的主持人可以創建多個小組討論室並將參與者分配到每個房間。
Breakout rooms are currently not available in conversations that are joinable by guests (public conversations).
將會打開一個對話框,您可以在此指定要創建的房間數量和參與者分配方法。在這裡,您將看到 3 個選項:
自動分配參與者:Talk 將自動將參與者分配到房間。
Call recording
The recording feature provides users with an opportunity to:
Start and stop recordings during a call.
Record the video and audio stream of the speaker, as well as screen share.
Access, share and download recorded files for future reference or distribution.
Enabling this feature requires the recording server to be set up by the system administration.
Manage a recording
The moderator of the conversation can start a recording together with a call start or anytime during a call:
Before the call: tick the checkbox "Start recording immediately with the call" in "Media settings", then click on "Start call".
During the call: click on the top-bar menu, then click "Start recording".
The recording will start shortly, and you will see a red indicator next to the call time. You can stop the recording at any time while the call is still ongoing by clicking on that indicator and selecting "Stop recording", or by using the same action in the top-bar menu. If you do not manually stop the recording, it will end automatically when the call ends.
After stopping a recording, the server will take some time to prepare and save the recorded file. The moderator, who started the recording, receives a notification when the file is uploaded. From there, it can be shared in the chat.
Recording consent
For compliance reasons with various privacy rights, it is possible to ask participants for consent to be recorded before joining the call. The system administration has the flexibility to utilize this feature in several ways:
Disable consent completely.
Enable mandatory consent system-wide, requiring consent for all conversations.
Allow moderators to configure this option on a conversation level. In such cases, moderators can access the conversation settings to configure this option accordingly:
If recording consent is enabled, every participant, including moderators, will see a highlighted section in the "Media settings" before joining a call. This section informs participants that the call may be recorded. To give explicit consent for recording, participants must check the box. If they do not give consent, they will not be allowed to join the call.
Federated conversation
With Federation feature, users can create conversations across different federated Talk instances and use Talk features as if they were on a same server.
Important Under current development. Basic chat features are available, more to come in the future!
Feature is required to be set up by the system administration.
Send and accept invites
The moderator of the conversation can send an invite to participant on a different server:
When receiving a notification, user will see a counter of pending invites above the conversations list.
Upon clicking it, more information will be provided about inviting party, and user can either accept or decline the invitation.
By accepting the invite, conversation will appear in the list as any other one.